Richard Pelham article

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There is an interesting in Digital SLR Photography magazine about what Richard Pelham got up to in the World Cup.

He says that he was making video clips for his paper's website. (I won't say which paper because they are scum)

The things I found most interesting in the article were that because it wasn't financially viable to send a picture editor, as I assume he would have at a Premier League game, his images were selected remotely from England by a picture editor here. :eek: He said it enabled them to beat the wired agencies by 5 minutes with people during the final. :eek:

Also, his paper were receiving about 4000 pictures per game from various sources including him. :eek:

He also went into why he chose the positions he did, which he said are different to what he would have chosen for league games because there are no home fans for the scorer to run to, they tend to run to the sidelines. He got a good picture of Steven Gerrard celebrating his goal by 'luckily' being in the right place. ;)

An interesting article if you get the chance to see it. :)