Richmond Castle by moonlight

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A trip inside the walls of Richmond Castle last week. Under the light of a waxing gibbous (still sounds like a hairy monkey) moon.
It's a seventy-odd second exposure, which has resulted in slight trailing of the stars, especially as I was shooting at 14mm on FF, which I would have liked to avoid, but the high ISO performance of the 5D Classic wouldn't handle the noise at any higher ISO.
I quite like the golden glow on the keep, from the light pollution of the town, and although I'd like to have extracted a touch more detail from the ground, I am quite happy with how its come out.
Any comments, critique or advice would be more than appreciated

I like this, the white flag is distracting but the golden glow on the tower is good.

The second one is a much more eye catching shot.
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Not sure, at the moment it appears to be the brightest point in the picture.

An idea may be to fill the white with a duller colour so it stands out less.
The second picture has the sort of sky I love to look at. Well captured.

I've been thinking what would improve the first picture and all I can think of is to take several photos of differing lengths to create an HDR version of the foreground. Alternatively how about waiting for a full moon which would illuminate the whole site better? Depending on how high it is in the sky would give moon shadows from the building and add more drama.
First one is good (apart from the flag). Nicely exposed, good starry sky
Thanks guys for the comments. I find it's tricky to strike the right balance with these night shots. Certainly a full moon helps to light the foreground, but lengthening the exposure results in trails forming, which are accentuated by the 14mm on FF. all of the shots I take are single exposures. I think I should learn about luminosity masks, but I'm quite rubbish at processing, and that would be quite a big ask. I'll clone the flag following this advice, and see if I have a better exposure to add in. Unfortunately the full moon has been quite low, so hasn't given the same lighting as the last cycle. Appreciate your input tho. Thanks gents
I've got to agree with the other comments, in that on the first image the man things that spoil it for me are the distracting flag and the fag the stars have started to form star trails. The second image though is lovely, the sky is captivating.