Richmond Park - Relaxing and Rutting


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I went to Richmond Park for the first time yesterday, and as it was a warm start to the day I wasn't really expecting much action, but ended up pleased with what I got. This is a relatively small selection of what I ended up editing.









Thanks for looking.
Nice set, difficult to pick a favourite but I think the 2nd image for me, although the rutting images are impressive. (y)
Nice set, difficult to pick a favourite but I think the 2nd image for me, although the rutting images are impressive. (y)
Thanks Dale. #2 is probably one of my favourites also; a very regal looking chap.
See any Nordic Walkers? I saw plenty of photographers around but not a huge amount of larger lenses.

Was pondering about going there on Sunday but given that it was 15C overnight I didn't think it would provide the right conditions, so a warm duvet won.

I think you should be proud of the shots you captured Nick,.
See any Nordic Walkers? I saw plenty of photographers around but not a huge amount of larger lenses.

Was pondering about going there on Sunday but given that it was 15C overnight I didn't think it would provide the right conditions, so a warm duvet won.

I think you should be proud of the shots you captured Nick,.
Thanks very much :)

No, I didn’t see any Nordic walkers; I did keep a look out though :D Entering via Ham Gate was perfect; I walked up the hill, went left about 200 yards and heard my first bellow of the day. Stag and Hinds were right there so I spent a lot of time in that area. When the deer all settled at about 8:30am I walked a bit further South, through some trees and alongside one of the sanctuaries, and this is where we saw the rut. By ‘we’ I mean me and the, by this point, 20 odd other photographers! The light was very harsh at this point as you can see from the above images, but it was great to witness nonetheless.