Right place, Right time, WRONG settings?

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Hi guys,

Decided to have a day out with the family today and visit Pennington Flash. I was playing about with my camera still getting to grips with it and i took these shots.

I can't help but feel if a 'setting' was adjusted it would look better, what do you think.



This second one i like, however it could do with a trim at the top.
as someone who appreciates a litle underexposure I must say I liike the top one has a calm reflective feel to it
It's the sort of scene I'd take too. Lends itself to a bit of playing around in pp. The second one water highlights look rather like a ultrasound scan!
Thanks for the feedback guys, it was nice to get out of the house and photograph something different other than my fishtank haha.

I never looked at the second photograph like that brian, but now whenever i look at it thats all i see hahaha.

I believe its your metering setting that has done this for you.

The camera has metered itself to properly expose the light on the water and not the rest of the scene.

This one would have been difficult, if the rest of the scene was exposed correctly then the light on the water would probably have burnt out.

I would assume your camera is set to meter on the centre spot rather than to evaluate the entire scene.

Also your hirizon is on the wonk ;)
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I'm guessing that you've cropped a fairly low sun out of these?

Otherwise f/32 1/1600th(3200) ISO80 is a fairly extreme exposure to be going for in manual.
f32 @ 1/1600sec ISO 80 boy did you ever get that wrong :LOL:

still it worked out ok in the end (y)

Les :D
I'm guessing that you've cropped a fairly low sun out of these?

Otherwise f/32 1/1600th(3200) ISO80 is a fairly extreme exposure to be going for in manual.

Haha, how did you know what my camera was set at?

Any help on how this could of been improved, I.e changed settings, ?

Thanks in advance matt
Hi Matt,

You have been told the settings you need to adjust. Your metering is on Spot, this has evaluated for the very bright light on the water. You have then adjusted your settings as you have the camera set on manual to the extremes highlighted to compensate.

When you look through the camera at the exposure meter you need to interpret what the camera is telling you.

Change to evaluative metering or purposely under expose the shot to create balance.

Hi Matt,

You have been told the settings you need to adjust. Your metering is on Spot, this has evaluated for the very bright light on the water. You have then adjusted your settings as you have the camera set on manual to the extremes highlighted to compensate.

When you look through the camera at the exposure meter you need to interpret what the camera is telling you.

Change to evaluative metering or purposely under expose the shot to create balance.


Cheerz BOM,
i had a go with my armoury but the first one..which i like was too thin to take the punishment i inflicted on it
the first thing i did which was ok was a crop from the bottom to just below the shoreline so that not too much overexposed water was in the shot
i had a go with my armoury but the first one..which i like was too thin to take the punishment i inflicted on it
the first thing i did which was ok was a crop from the bottom to just below the shoreline so that not too much overexposed water was in the shot

Hi Mr Toad,

Do you have a copy to put up on here?


Hi Mr Toad,
Do you have a copy to put up on here?

zz by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

zzb_filtered by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

Hi Matt
here is where i gave up...firstly downloaded image is quite small so the artifacts and 'holes' appear soon on doing some pp
i think a black to white is the answer anyway...
where did you download your shot from...and when did you resize it..before or after??
Hi mate,

I really like the black and white version, I haven't cropped or resized the image, I just uploading the picture from my camera to photobucket, the forum automatically resized the photo once I put it in the thread.

Hi mate,

I really like the black and white version, I haven't cropped or resized the image, I just uploading the picture from my camera to photobucket, the forum automatically resized the photo once I put it in the thread.


yes i see that...what was the size out of the camera...photobucket could have reduced it for you again
if you use pix.ie...you can choose a forum acceptable size from the full full size
and i think the quality might be better