

Bo Derek
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I think I got the ID right. Butterflies are not normally my thing although it was a refreshing change yesterday chasing them. Chasing them didn't work, so I just sat and waited. I'm good at that bit. It was quite warm and the bugs were flighty. After a while, a cloud came over and everything cooled and slowed down, much easier.

I had no plans to go out yesterday, I have a touch of Manflu and I didn't really feel like setting up to wait for KFs. I had an errand to run though, close to one of my bug spots so I thought I'd swing by. I took the R7 and 100mm f2.8L. It blew me away, what a combo. I took more images in a couple of of hours yesterday than I'd done in the previous 9 months since owning the R7.

I tried the focus stacking on it but not for this image, those may be to come yet.

I think this is a Ringlet, there were tons of them about yesterday, Challenging when it's warm, a bit easier when it cooled down a bit.

R7, 100mm f2.8L, f8, ISO 1000, 1/80 sec, handheld.

Ringlet. by Dale, on Flickr
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Very nice Dale.
It seems to be a great combination.
Nice work Dale
I tried the stacky thing on the R7 yesterday, for the first time. I'd not read up on it and I had to dig a bit to find it but I set it up as best I could. It's set to take 100 shots by default so I changed that to 5. I hadn't realised it will actually stack in camera too. Most cameras I've heard of doing this need to be stacked in post processing. I didn't set it to stack in camera so the ones I tried this with, I've stacked and merged in post. I don't think 5 shots is enough, there is very little difference between them. To be honest, I think f8 is sufficient for this kind of sidey on image. You can also set how far the focus moves between shots, it is witchcraft. Ony disappointment is that when stacked in camera, you get a JPEG.

None of the shots above are stacked, both are at f8, that seems to give enough DOF when the subject is parallel to the sensor, although antennae/legs can be OOF.

That second one looks a bit soft now.

Maybe knock the highlights back a touch, but it's another lovely capture :)

Thanks again Si. (y)