Critique Roe doe portrait up close and

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Been hard to get out of late: rebuilding chimneys( ha no pics were taken but what a state I was in ), blummin taps failing, garage roof goes pear shaped loads of rain,and all the time one comes here and sees deer images. So I got a tiny window late sunday afternoon and hit somewhere close in some strange thing called sunshine. Ok that lasted about 4 second but it was there:) !!

.I blew 3 roe like a moron that I should have seen, but they had me,. I circled and tracked blew it again:rolleyes: Walked away .... Walked a mile or too in stealth mode, lucked into a white rump maybe 200yards away ,a doe and twins. Got to them and simply and utterly could not nab a frame for veggies. Really harsh not one frame in maybe 1/2 an hour maybe 15 yards. Look no getting aways from the lovliness of it all ,but ya kinda wanna pic to show the lady don't ya. Other wise she thinks it's another cool wet ass and no fish tale, I took a chance tried to move to a better point one twig under a knee,snap................Game over...................crushed not one frame....... when will be the next chance like that................... crushed !!

Wondered on kicking meself I kinda have this theory: if one is looking for a needle in a haystack ie a deer not high enough to always be seen in grass then traveling their roads might help the chances of me bumping into them . I extended that, tucked into a run and set to wait a while and get over being a clutz.......... again !! Maybe seconds later mum and kidlet come charging out of the undergrowth and were on me . I only took mum pics and came home kicking my ass that I didn't get baby. I do kick my ass alot :LOL: I remember at some stage say ing to meself " ,you have her find baby",mum was so stupidly close she clocked me head turn a bark and they were gone !! Least ways I think that's what happened it was slightly bonkers

We looked at the images later and it slowly dawned on me I've probably been after a sneaky what I call a classic 3/4 portrait full frame of roe for sommit like 4 years now and there it was staring back at me

So for all the sefl ridicule I quite like this it's long wanted and much grafted for I'm very unsure on whether post processing should go further musing over Nr and sharps with my self . My in the sticks internet meant I couldn't access PS last night. I couldn't decide what next today so thought why not post it as is So this is edited in canon's DPP couple a dust spots cloned WB colours not much really it's sort of me and a deer . My question is what next? I had enough time to place the FP around the eye nose area because I was searching for the best use of DOF not certain. It isn't every day a roe doe is this close I'd have liked more dof really but already iso is 6400 and she's proper bouncy I'd prefer more SS...where does one go. I sort of wish that cloud wasn't there, it would have been fun to play with that not grumble too much this will be a while repeating it's self lmao

560mm 1/1600 f 5.6 iso 6400 It's taken off my knee hand held with the 400 and 1.4 ext i'm smack in the middle of a roe run tight up against a tree full camo head to toe ha and as usual pretty much sodden

Would love crit is there something not quite right in reds cyans maybe??

cheers muchly for reading;)


_S2I7992 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
I don`t see a thing wrong with it , definitely something I would think about putting on the wall . Like I told you boss , that`s a beautiful photo . I am still blown away how good you images look at those iso`s , I would of halved that and shot at 1/800 and probably come home with a card full of softies . :)
I think a light touch of pp would improve that, but just a light touch, so don't lose that reflection of the conditions it was taken in. As always, you seem to capture their soul in a way I've not see anyone else do. There's nothing quite like being eyeball to eyeball with an animal when you're trying to keep absolutely still and it's trying to work out what you are. Been there a few times, but never with a camera. I know it's the shot you've been trying to get but it also works as a square crop, just head and neck.
Janny Mark cheers so much for taking the time for the thoughtful replies,thank you !!

Mark I do use really good tools that does help with IQ at these higher ISO's I can't stress that enough. I think the biggest thing is these folks got to me and sort of instilled no fear in me about pushing ISO and backed that up with stunning images at said high ISO's. I think they gave me a gift., you can see why I've gone on and on(sorry mate) about pushing ISO for SS to your good self it seems to work bro:)

You are viewing it small buddy maybe the issue's I'm arguing with myself over are not terribly visible here. There is a fine grain in the bkg, which I can't see here on Talk but can when it's BIG at home . I'm as sure as I can be it's sharp,i'd have really liked 1/2500 here if I'm honest,she's bouncing about like a good 'un also a tad more dof. Techs are taking me a long time to hone . little steps. lovely words kiddo very kind

Janny hope your well........................ ha ha:D as well as being touched by the words I had to ,smile at the soul bit....yesterday I told a couple or three builders when asked what I got be up to at the weekend that I go out dressed as a tree and steal the soul of poor harmless defenseless ickle amiinals:LOL::LOL::LOL: then descriibed this little ruffian funny huh !!

Hmm soul stealing part low pov part kid full of wonder part mad mad tiny deer on steroids with huge curiosity I dunno mate but that's a lovely thing to say cheers !! :) . Jan I've still had a ball with the hares this summer,not shared what I'd like,but the roe this year are really quite new in a way. Sheer numbers of images and close encounters mainly , ha and no blummin baby fawns. we best not go there:rolleyes:

wildlife is so picky I agree the sq crop works ,but possibly iso is too high ie IQ loss . I don't crop that much but I'm sort of like that anyway :what ya see is what I made. The minute I put in 6400 Jan I feel obliged to frame it . 2/3 is too long at times. I could have probably gone an FP or maybe two at a squeak higher dneasked the top of the leg in but yeah chuffed.

Wow they are red for such a small part of the year,it's never really dawned on me before !!

take care both

F/5.6 is a narrow ish DOF Stu which helps with a cluttered the background and give the roe a bit of pop around the head where its sharp enough, I like to keep the shutter highish too because even though they might be stood still, their noses and ears and still twitching to work out where we toggers are and if they set off its nice to get a shot of the sprint as they seethi :)
5.6 just about covers the head Martin frankly I think I just about got away with it but really could have been alot safer with a bit more. I never think they will come so close mate catches every time cheers for the thoughts bro
