Rook in Flight

Lovely in flight shot Trev.
The wind was straight into it's face and just seemed to hover for ages.

Yes, they do that, among other things, pretty much with pleasure.
For me, this is a raven and a good take of it but…
I looked up for rook and got:
"a gregarious Eurasian crow with black plumage and a bare face, nesting in colonies in treetops."

Where is my mistake?

Yes, they do that, among other things, pretty much with pleasure.
For me, this is a raven and a good take of it but…
I looked up for rook and got:
"a gregarious Eurasian crow with black plumage and a bare face, nesting in colonies in treetops."

Where is my mistake?

It's a rook. The raven has that very distinctive wedge shaped tail, as this one appears to have, but it's just the way the feathers are spread. The rook has the bald patch around the base of the bill. The raven doesn't and its upper bill is almost hooked. The raven's also much bigger, but you can't tell size from a BIF photo. You do get ravens on Dartmoor, but this isn't one.
A bit tight in the frame imo, I'd have liked to have seen more space to the left of frame, dunno if that's a possibility. Nice detail and the colours of the bird are showing through very well. Lots of folk think crows are plain black and uninteresting but this shows they hold some beautiful colours. Nice one.
Thanks for the replies much appreciated.
A bit tight in the frame imo, I'd have liked to have seen more space to the left of frame, dunno if that's a possibility. Nice detail and the colours of the bird are showing through very well. Lots of folk think crows are plain black and uninteresting but this shows they hold some beautiful colours. Nice one.
Thanks Brash, not much room left around it when I took the picture it was fairly close and had the lens at 420mm.
Superb action shot Trev. It's also nice when an enthusiast explains the differences between similar birds and identifies it.
I looked up for rook and got:
"a gregarious Eurasian crow with black plumage and a bare face, nesting in colonies in treetops." Where is the mistake?

Not answered yet!
The image above is a Rook Daniel

the image in this link is a Raven - Corvus Corax,_Yosemite_NP,_CA,_US_-_Diliff.jpg

same in the UK as in Canada and parts of the US ......... but much less common in the UK

Ravens are (much) bigger and for some uglier than Crows .... Ravens are enormous birds when you see them

C Corax is a Northern Hemisphere bird and has a few sub species

Rook, Crow and Raven are all members of the Corvus family

Generally Crows have blackish beaks and Rooks much lighter ones with a whitish face as in the image above ... I say generally

Have a look and listen to this

Courtesy of Google Images.




Here's is an African White Necked Raven - see them every year, but can never get near ........ maybe the week after next


I always find this "funny" - for the first minute

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Great link Bill!
Roger, you brought the missing answer!

Thanks you both as I tend to like to go to bed always a little less
ignorant then the day before… ;-)