Rottweiler Puppies UPDATE 23/3 4 weeks old

They are lovely! Dad looks like he is a fine specimen!! Great photos, all of them!
Thanks all, dad is a stunning dog and very large. I'm always getting in trouble play fighting with him as he gets a bit giddy. He doesn't sit still for long so processing was a necessity to remove background distractions but luckily worked.
Where do I buy one? :p

Great pictures. Dogs certainly are good subjects for photos
They are far to cute and elvis is just :love:
They are far to cute and elvis is just :love:

Agree the last picture is super cute... :)

Very cute.


The 4-week shots are super sharp. Well done--the little buggers move around so much I dread to think what shutter speed you had to use.

Cheers, shutter speed was slow.. bounced flash was the key.

Don't tempt me!

They are soooooooooo adorable. :D