Row of Boats

Edit My Images
Hi! ... I joined TP a while ago and occasionaly pop in to have a nose through other peoples pics, but I've been a bit slack about uploading any of my own images. I don't take my camera out as often as I should and when I do I never seem to get around to editing the images! ... So here are a few of mine taken at the end of September when we were having an indian summer, C&C would be apreciated too please!



I think a tighter crop on 1 would be good...

2 is great... although the out of focus water at the front distracts me a little... but im thinking many people will like that... so ignore my personal thoughts...

3 does not alot for me... but thats just me....

Thanks Mark ... Here are the boats with a tighter crop


I'm not to sure myself, I like the reflection in the water in the first one.

I see what you mean re 2 but I tried a crop without the OOF water and didn't like it so much.

3 not my fave, it seems a bit flat, I'm not so good at converting to B&W, don't know if I'm doing somthing wrong. I use CS2 & desaturate, is there another way?
I dont know to be honest... I always just convert things to B and W in photoshop.

1 doesn't do anything for me i think its a bit cluttered and there isn't enough space around it, but i really like 2 and 3 :)