Ruined Cottage

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I took this at Eyam in Derbyshire and basically made a b**s up, somehow I had managed to get the camera set to sepia instead of std so when I got home I had an Oh S**t moment but on reflection given the subject I think I might have got it right-any thoughts

Not a big fan of sepia, but its certainly an interesting building and worth some more exploring. The image leaves me wondering what's inside and how it came to be neglected and for that I like it.
i love old abandoned cottages - plenty on the old farms in Lanarkshire
one farmer told me his Dad rented/tied[?] one to a labourer and family
the man went to WWII - never came back - family moved on - never rented again - now derelict.

anyway - i like the tones - tuned out well in the end..!
I'm thinking more of a shed/barn/storage for the haycart - big doors and no windows
Yes, I think storage rather than a home. Gee gees maybe, fodder? Needs a little more contrast if you don't mind me saying :)
Yes this appears to work building standing just, bet it could tell a tale or two.
Image certainly fits well with sepia.
fascinating and well working this strong sepia tuning, well serving the athmosphere. I like it: essential, compact, well textured.
I really like this and makes me wonder if it was around at the time of the black death.