Salmon fly (photo) CRITIQUE

I would have liked to see the hook a bit better perhaps, as it has got a bit lost against the background.

Good detail though.

I'm not sure whether this is a single or double hooked fly as the lighting tends to hide this aspect. I like the strong lighting as it really makes the reds and whites stand out, while the black background almost gives it a 3D effect. Looking at it large on Flickr suggests it's a double, but the side-on shooting angle tends to hide the second hook.
From my point of view, the hook doesn't matter, it's the dressing of the fly is what I'm bothered about, but thank you for the comments.

It's a double hook. If it was a single, the body would have been thinner.
I like the strong, limited colours, but would like to see the composition changed so that the fly lay diagonally in the picture frame. IME it would make it more dramatic than the current horizontal position. E.g, try having the hook in the top RH corner.
I just read your comment re not bothering about the hook, which is fine if thats what the image is about but as a viewer it does bother me as all I am tending to do is squint to see whats in the shadows.

From my point of view, the hook doesn't matter, it's the dressing of the fly is what I'm bothered about, but thank you for the comments.

It's a double hook. If it was a single, the body would have been thinner.

Why bother asking how to improve the picture if you are going to dismiss it like that. Not everybody will know a single hook fly will have a thinner body.

I agree the double hook is an integral part and should be visible. The angle the fly is at looks as if it's facing away so I'd suggest a wee bit more attention to composition.
Nope the front of the fly isn't facing away. I ALWAYS make sure the fly is level with my camera ! Who cares what the dressing is tied on either a single or double
Here's another one.
No need to say anything about the light and the way the wing of the fly isn't showing the blue wing, and also the tail isn't as bright as it should be, Although it is brighter than when I imported it. I don't want to over do it as it will look unnatural.

Salmon fly by David Sunderland, on Flickr
Well given what you don't want comments on, am I allowed to say the hook looks sharp? Not much else to discuss.