Critique Same Tree, same morning. Moon Set & Dawn Sunrise.

I love trees, a lot. This is a beautiful tree and a great subject. I much prefer the second one because it has less distractions and a misty look. I think you could get a bit more out of the dynamic range, and it needs to have a straight horizon. Was this straight out of the camera?
I love trees, a lot. This is a beautiful tree and a great subject. I much prefer the second one because it has less distractions and a misty look. I think you could get a bit more out of the dynamic range, and it needs to have a straight horizon. Was this straight out of the camera?
Thank you for your comments. both images have had minimal PP. in the top image iv increased the saturation slightly. In the bottom image the original tbh was a little over exposed Im not that experienced as a Photographer & never done a moonlit landscape before so timing was trial & error. But Iv now learnt how to calculate this by taking a base exposure & using high iso & large apertures & then counting down to get the image I want.etc. I lowered the exposure in PP but I wanted to keep the moon lit patches & shadows on the ground, so with a bit of help from YouTube used the dodge & burn tools to brighten them up a bit. Im not very good with PS & only have elements so I'm not sure how to improve the dynamic range? Iv just seen the horizon isn't quite straight, Thank you for pointing this out. I think I can manage that correction Cheers.