Santa Pod Festival of Power


Uh oh, a fruit basket!
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Fantastic images! Loving the beetle! I imagine the AF being tested a little shooting this lot :)
Thank you

It was my first time at the Pod using my d7000 so I just stuck it in shutter mode at 1/250 and left it there.

I could've done with lower shutter speeds for some but my objective was to get more keepers - bearing in mind that a lot of the bikes and pro class cars are doing over 100mph I was quite pleased. It was also damn cold ( I could see my breath ) so shake became an issue for me
The Beetles a great shot, I heard these yesterday was in the woods behind the stands walking the dog :)

Great set Damian, #2 brings back memories off yesteryear when I used to go to the Pod and watch the likes of Dennis Priddle and Clive Skilton dicing to set the first UK sub 7 second run with their fab slingshot rails:)
Nice panning BTW:clap:
Thank you - no 2 was taken through the fence, pit side
Some good shots there mate went Saturday sun was out but still bloody cold
Thanks Michael. I took around 200 I think ( don't think my son was happy about standing in the same place for 6 hours :) )
nice set, yeah pod is a hard place to shoot i think, every image can end up looking the same. i managed to get a set of Top Fuel at night once, that was cool.

one of my fave places in the world though. great day racing then spend the eve with a few beers around a bbq. awesome!
thanks - have added some more images to the set (album ?? ) but they get quite samey, I agree

Looking forward to the next few years when my son is a bit older - am not sure wifey would be impressed if he was having a few beers at 10 :)