Santa Special

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Taken at the Bluebell on the first weekend of their Santa Specials


Your thoughts please
Just wonder if you want total honesty but its not right by a long way. Just wondering if its an attempt at hdr, or have you underxposed it, played with shadows highlights, levels contrast etc.

As Artyman said its to dark and does not work as a steam train picture.

Sorry if I upset but I try to be honest
If it is HDR then its HDR at its best because its not obvious,whatever PP you used I love this the low angle works so well and the dark brooding sky gives it a reallly sinister feel.
Don't mind honesty at all, I'd like to know where im going wrong. The light was terrible and was fully expecting to put it in the bin. It is two images produced from the same RAW file one for the foreground and one for the sky, adjusted the levels, contrast and sharpened. Im fairly new to this so any pointers would be appreciated.
Captain, could not disagree more, dweeb where have you gone wrong. It is to dark, moody some would describe it but I agree with Ken it is just to dark. In pouring rain , mist railway photographs can be well captured and worked on but to me you need something to work with and for me it looks like there was not a lot there to try and make something of.

But at least you have had a go, but its all about keep going back, when you get a shot in great light and exhaust you will look back on this and think why did I bother. I speak from many years of experience, but credit for having a go.
Would you mind letting me know if these look dark also, if so it could be my monitor is way out, which isn't going to help.



It's got good ingredients but the recipe is off! My suggestion would have been to get closer, and shoot while the dark loco is under open sky, it's lost against the black trees. Also the light seems to have struck the coaches better than the loco.
Dweeb, yours look fine to me, only very very slightly dark on my screen but nothing like the op who I am glad likes his picture.
The first looks too dark on my screen and suffers from a lack of exhaust steam to break the gloom. It seems a nice location, but steam railways photos always benefit from some exhaust, so you need to capture the engine working hard (such as on a hill) or in cold weather.
The other two look good, again, nice locations and you can see what I mean in the last shot about exhaust in cold weather!
for your first pic, do three exposures? One for the green grass/trees, one for the skies (you've done these) and a thrid one for the train, trying to get some detail and colour without looking too posted in/bright.

But looks good!

Second looks fine.
Third (to me) is a bit dark on the train, but about right on the rest of the pic...

Congrats on having some decent weather and steam trains :)