Sarah and the Cider Press


Worzel Gummidge
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Mamiya RB67 - TMax400 - Home dev.

Very nice quality shot there Dave the tonal range is very nice.
Ta :)

The RB67 and TMax seem to like each other :)
Ta :)

The RB67 and TMax seem to like each other :)

They do, but there's no interaction with the subject. Eye contact and a not quite so disinterested expression would make this so much better.

Sorry if it sounds a bit harsh, I'm meaning to be helpful..;)
No problem at all - I have shots with her looking at the camera - but this sums my daughter up better :)

Maybe you like this one more?

I think I agree, but the dappled sunlight and shade on her face is a bit of a problem for this one, IMHO...
I prefer the first shot- although the eye contact creates a powerful image, the first shot has much more depth of tone. Great work!
Aloof and engaging are both valid poses, and I don't think one is better than the other. It's about how the photographer chooses to see the model, innit.
Thanks folks.
I think I would have worked with the depth of field on this- both for me are too busy, the leaves on the ground and the background confuse the picture. The second photo is the better of the two but as stated above the light is very distracting. The first is not aloof enough for me- it looks more like she looked away when you took the photo than a deliberate pose.

They are well developed and I do like the composition with regards the positioning of the subject to the left.