Saunton Sands - something a little softer.


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I seem to have been producing a lot of deliberately 'hard' mono images recently, and wanted to generate something a little softer.

I took these pictures back in Feb 2017 because, at the time, the light was quite lovely playing on these gently waving grasses, however when I got them home I really had no idea what to do with them, and they languished ever since on my hard drive. Since then I've learned a little more about processing and also had some fresh ideas about how they might look, so here's my take for a gentler image.

Open space by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Path through the dunes by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

They are a little 'grey and grey' but that goes with the softness somewhat. C&C welcome.
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#2 - I can visualise myself meandering through there ... in a warm coat! :)
1st one's a shade to bright for me but that 2nd one is lovely.
Thank you gentlemen.

1st one's a shade to bright for me but that 2nd one is lovely.

For the first I was trying for something as minimal as I could get, and darker tones just made parts of the image intrude too much. I may have another go at processing, dropping all the tones a touch to see if that gives it more sense of depth. Thanks Ian.