"Sausage" the rescue hare

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Whilst photograhphing VWs in the campsite at Dubs in the Hall at Holt Hall, I was in wet long grass and I moved my foot and heard a little squeal - and there in the grass, shivering and soaking wet was this little bundle of cuteness. A baby hare we christened "Sausage" due to a friend's comment "Oh what a little sausage!" when he saw it. Sausage was rather skinny and didn't put up a fight when picked up. I saw no signs of other hares around and due to the busy camsite and the cars everywhere I boxed him up and took him to PACT Sanctuary where he is now being fed and looked after with a view to releasing him to the wild. They said he was underfed and shouldn't have been on his own at such a young age. I didn't injure Sausage when my foot made him squeal but I shudder to think if I'd been a few inches to the left a bit more or if I had been standing up. I was squatting down as I took photos so not much weight on my foot.


This last pic I'm so gutted about - I did a classic noob error and hadn't checked my settings before I shot so was in aperture priority mode - and the photo came out blurred (but looked fine on the damn preview screen)


Lesson learned :(
He didn't say how old he was but he was very skinny and bony. He was in the middle of a very busy campsite with cars, caravans, tents and people and he was underneath a load of long but flattened soaking wet grass. Some people said I should have left him there but I reckon he'd have got squashed at some point later that day. He made no effort to get away from me when I picked him up, they said it was because he was weak. Anyways he's being looked after and will be released when he's stronger and well fed.
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