Say something about the person above you - part 13

has a good point,

will have to change it soon :)
got the old thread locked after only 400 posts
Had 800 interesting things to say about his fellow TPers. Of course my secrets are safe with you ;)
Thinks TW is a male deity.
His post-count hasn't magically jumped to reflect part of his devotion to OOF.
Has entered the lions' den...
is still locked in his chicken pen, currently being pecked to death.
Recently developed an addiction to Tetris and has been playing for 31 hours now. Quad!!!!!!!!
Awwwww. Says the nicest things when there is a new moon, Jupiter is conjoined with Saturn and Pluto and the wind is from a west south westerly direction if it's before the witching hour.
snatched my astro book when I was distracted by her kind comments in another time and place :p
is a nice guy :)

Now give the money you owe me for saying that. :D
Didn't tell us where she was going until she got back.
Forgot the meat in his sandwich.