Scottish Landscape POTY results announced

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He's taken a good few years to get there Steve, so being short listed is very much a positive step for you. He also does talks at local camera clubs and takes members out on occasional learning shoots, so maybe that kind of interaction bumps things up a notch compared to interaction on a website? :thinking:
He's taken a good few years to get there Steve, so being short listed is very much a positive step for you. He also does talks at local camera clubs and takes members out on occasional learning shoots, so maybe that kind of interaction bumps things up a notch compared to interaction on a website? :thinking:

Maybe but I suspect its just judged on content - there aren't that many names there I recognise. The winner is steller as is the Sulliven image and Loch Tulla but the rest I wouldn't have thought that good.

Its a matter of taste I guess. The prize was quite cool, a weekend hire of a camper :D
Big fan of Ian's work, really pleased for him and he rightly deserves it for consistent high output
His was the first book I bought on photography after getting the bug. I loved pouring through his images.
3 commended images for me this year in the overall category so quite pleased with that.

I also thought Jason Baxter's winning landscape category picture was one of the best pictures taken of Glencoe all last year.
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All beauties in the Overall and Landscape categories, but as Steve said not so sure about the others. I suppose the Seascape winner is a unique moment and it does seem more worthy the more you study it. I wish they'd get rid of the Urban category in these competitions, why not create a new competition for that as it doesn't fit landscape photography, at least in my opinion. You hope they don't pick winners based on reputation, they always say that's not the case but I suspect it does come into it
Jason Baxters was my pick of the images I've seen. Best portfolio I've seen was Scotts in my opinion, much as I admire Ian Camerons work.
The only other thing that I noticed is that Jason Baxter's and Dave Bowman's are already in last years LPOTY book. Just goes to show that the judges are consistent across both competitions as they are both great images.