
Looks a little under-exposed and would benefit from the white feathers being lifted. :)
Close to being a very interesting shot, I love it when you can get in with wide(ish) angle lenses with wildlife.

2 little points would have helped here, 1 technical, the other artistic. From your setting you had a lot of light available to you, so if you'd have either pushed the ISO 1 stop or slowed the shutter speed down a stop then you'd have had a cleaner file to work with and a more accurate exposure.

If you'd had lowered yourself just a few centimetres then the bird would have looked a lot more dramatic and the background may have been a little cleaner as well.

A nice effort though and good to see a different approach

Close to being a very interesting shot, I love it when you can get in with wide(ish) angle lenses with wildlife.

2 little points would have helped here, 1 technical, the other artistic. From your setting you had a lot of light available to you, so if you'd have either pushed the ISO 1 stop or slowed the shutter speed down a stop then you'd have had a cleaner file to work with and a more accurate exposure.

If you'd had lowered yourself just a few centimetres then the bird would have looked a lot more dramatic and the background may have been a little cleaner as well.

A nice effort though and good to see a different approach


Thanks for the pointers