Second button/back button composing?


Hairy Bum
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Ok, so i may not have got the right terms in the subject (probably why i can't find anything via google), but i've seen mentioned before that people use the exposure lock button when shooting. can someone explain why? (if anyone can make any sense of what i'm saying). Any tutorials etc would be good.

The above link is exactly what you looking for I think. I also use it as i find it a lot easier and I think there was a thread recently with a poll of who uses it and who doesn't that had some tips and reasons why in. Might be worth a look.
My old camera body the D70s only had one button to activate the autofocus and that was the shutter button!
This used to really annoy me - at least the D700 has a separate shutter and focus button.
Ha, Alan, I find you here too!

Not sure if I'm on the same track but i understand the AE lock button, at least as it is on my camera as holding the exposure settings so that a certain part of my frame will be exposed the way I want it even after recomposing. So I'll zoom in to some piece of detail I want to expose correctly then hold the AE lock, pull out, recompose and shoot. That sound about right?
Ha, Alan, I find you here too!

Not sure if I'm on the same track but i understand the AE lock button, at least as it is on my camera as holding the exposure settings so that a certain part of my frame will be exposed the way I want it even after recomposing. So I'll zoom in to some piece of detail I want to expose correctly then hold the AE lock, pull out, recompose and shoot. That sound about right?
ahoy hoy! you get about a bit as well! :p

nah, what it is is there's an 'AF Lock' button on the back of my camera that, with the correct settings enabled, does the job of focussing the camera, instead of doing it by holding the shutter button down halfway. it means the shutter button literally just fires the camera, it does nothing else. it's separate from the AE Lock button which locks the exposure (as you said)
Are you not getting confused between focus lock/exposure lock and the AF-ON button??
Ah gotcha, yeah I thought you were on about the AE lock stuff. Think the D300 has the AF-on button, which does the same. Not sure how I'll get on with that but will be interesting to try. All I need is the 300 now!
Are you not getting confused between focus lock/exposure lock and the AF-ON button??
yep, my camera now functions as below, taken from the above quoted link:

'Back-button AF activation. Shutter button no longer activates AF, but of course fires the shutter. Metering is continuously updated — if you shoot a sequence of pictures, the camera takes a fresh meter reading for each one. There’s no locking of exposure, unless you separately press the AE Lock button (this last item is not possible on some EOS models).' (AF-On is the button now used to achieve focussing)

Ah gotcha, yeah I thought you were on about the AE lock stuff. Think the D300 has the AF-on button, which does the same. Not sure how I'll get on with that but will be interesting to try. All I need is the 300 now!
that would be useful :p
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