Secure Login and Gallery Viewing in websites

Edit My Images
Hi Can anybody help.

Im looking to add a secure login page to my website, so that clients can view there pictures online before placing orders. (standard stuff)

Does anybody know a simple way of going about this? can it be done in word press etc?

Or if anybody knows someone who can program some code for me? i'm fairly desperate and need it up and running for a week monday.


Damsel in distress
Photocart6 is a stand alone software package that you upload to your server - much like wordpress.

I have not seen functionality that matches it - I've used it now for a couple of months and I still find bits that amaze me - and the support is superb - any issues the chap that wrote it will be in touch in a few hours - and their site has loads of good info.... its about $329 - and for an extra $50 he'll even install it and get it working perfectly for you... though it took me a couple of hours to upload, find the issues with my host (check php safe mode is off) and gt work uploaded. Talking of uploading - there is a seperate program called "daves uploader" that does that for a pittance.

I've no links with the company - other than being a very happy user. See it in action on my own site

So OK - its not cheep - and its not free - but it will do what you want and more - its got superb backup and help - and it does everything you want and much more.

I introduced to a friend who was just about to spend many thousand on a custom bit of software as he couldn't find what he was after - and its far better than what he could imagine - shame he didn't give me some of what he saved! ;-)
wow thanks so much for your help it looks amazing. So you can give every client an individual username and password?

thanks so much
Been looking into this myself recently.

Looks like I've found what I'm looking for!!
Its one big learning curve but these forums are a great help. just hope its as easy as it looks and intergrates into my web page nicely
You have a load of options - you can have the gallery open and people can look round - as mine is.
You can have them give name and email to gain access to gallery
You can have jobs on the gallery that you can see but can't access without a unique password (that you set)
You can have jobs that don't appear in the gallery but you can send a link for them to open - and pass ona password too....

You can change the colours of every part of the layout - how many galleries appear per page - what test appears and even the order they appear in - I use the default showing them in date order - newest first.
You can have them dissapear on a given date. You can give discounts if they order by a certain date - if they order a certain amount... and so on.
You can discount for multiple prints off a given file - accross multiple files etc...
If you want to sell small downloads for facebook etc it will even automate that!
Here's a link to a forum on this software