Sekonic 308 - using settings like 1/2 1/3 what is what ??

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Hi guys.

I have a canon 60d. When doing the settings on a light meter do you set it at full 1/2 or 1/3 and what does that mean ?

Thank you
Not too sure what exactly you are talking about. I assume you are talking about aperture.

Usually measured in full stop (e.g. f2.8, f4, f5.6 etc.). Everything in between is measured in 1/3 of a stop increments (most common), which then means f2.8 + 1/3 is f3.2 or f2.8 + 2/3 is f3.5 etc. :) There is also 1/10 increments and 1/2 but those are not used as often. :)

My L358 is set to 1/10 increments as I use studio lights that adjust in 1/10 of a stop increments. So for example when my lightmeter says f5.6 7, I know its f7.1 :)

(hope this makes any sense and is the answer for your question, if not then just ignore this.)