Selection of astro shots from Italy

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I am on vacation in the middle of a National Park in Italy, so enjoying pretty dark skies, certainly when compared to home in north London. So I have been experimenting with some alternative wide-angle night sky shots. I've posted these in the Fuji X-T2 page but though I would try my luck with more specialised viewers. Any feedback much appreciated as I am very much a newbie. Even so, I have the bug now so am looking out for a cheap start tracker should anyone be selling - there is a Wanted ad waiting for you...

1. Boring star trails over our house.
For a first effort this came out a treat. Now I am planning some more interesting foregrounds but as the park has wild boar, wolves and vipers (plus I am a wussy City-boy) I am a bit worried going too far from the beaten track in the dead of night.
StarTrail I by Ian, on Flickr

2. Lunar eclipse over our house.
This was an accident, really, as the moon was smaller than expected and covered by clouds when it first emerged. So I took a series of shots and then realised a composite was possible. I also didn't know quite where Mars would be but was lucky it sneaked into the corner. The next problem was that the house was out of focus. So I went back the night after trying to replicate the shot, not knowing exactly where I shot from, or what focal length I used. After a lot of hit and miss experimentation, I got one close enough to use in the blend.

Blood moon-1 by Ian, on Flickr

3. Perseids
This was fiddly as hell to process. Again, completely by luck I had Polaris just in shot so could work out the rotation needed to get the meteors to align properly and blend. Nothing spectacular - that happened on the first night when I was just watching the meteors with y son and a couple of huge bright ones came by - but I am quite happy with the result.

Perseids by Ian, on Flickr
Lovely shots nicely taken. I like the star trails shot, for me an interesting foreground is so important in a night sky / nightscape image.

The moon eclipse sequence is a belter.

I was gutted with the Perseids this year we were under cloud. All 3 big celestial events have been a wash out for me so I'm jealous of anybody who got even a couple!!
Excellent set, the lunar eclipse is awesome (y)