Selective Colour Re-Edit

Hiya. Don't like selective colour at the best of times, no exception here im afraid but thats a personal thing. That aside, at minimum, it should be in focus. You're drawing your eyes to something that isn't in focus, your dof is too small for what you've selected to colour.
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I have to agree with Beth. Selective colour rarely helps a photo. And this, I'm afraid is no exception.
Looks like iv posted in the wrong section......meant this to be in the photos area!

I have a huge love for selective colour. i always have.

As for the focus, well, that was my mistake, still one of my fav shots from the set

Quickly getting fed up of this forum, people seem to just say, "i dont like this"

Just saying "selective colour rarely helps a photo", is not really that helpful!
Don't get fed up, I quite like it. I won't comment on the technique of selective colour but rather on the end result as I see it. I've had a look through some of your flikr stream and seen the original, when seen in context with some of the other photos this edit also plays it's part in the set. You've captured a playful look, with blood on her hands you might expect to see a scary or frightening facial expression, to me this makes it more interesting, not less so. The fact that the fingers are not in focus is not relevant in my opinion. My eye is still drawn to her eyes but with a distraction of the red blood, creating interest.

What were your thoughts behind the edit, what were you wanting to portray?
Quickly getting fed up of this forum, people seem to just say, "i dont like this"

Just saying "selective colour rarely helps a photo", is not really that helpful!

Sadly it's right though. It rarely helps and looks like the photographer is just learning new pp skills. It's often used as a bad crutch to prop up poor composition or other issues and always looks dated. So saying it rarely helps is perfectly valid. I think that you've chosen to use it to highlight areas with problems is just another example of why it doesn't work.

Sorry if that's a bit 'I don't like it for you'
Thanks Drounding! I did feel while editing that the hands not being in focus wasn't really an issue! i do feel it would be improved if they were!

boyfalldown - sorry this image doesn't fall into you linear, it must look this way point of view. it must be sad having to create such generic images just so you can look good in front of others. Point is, i did this edit because i wanted too, and i wasn't sitting there thinking, "oh no, people might think iv just learnt a new photoshop skill" or, "best try cover up that its not a perfectly focused image"

oh look he has 7000 posts, must be such a good, your just another photographer with a massive ego, probably enjoying just telling people things don't work, just because you don't like them
Selective colour pretty much is a marmite thing though, so if you post an image using it you surely expect negative comments. I don't understand how that's not obvious. If you like it and you want to do it, then you'll need to zone out people who don't.

I looked at your flickr stream and failed to find the other images. But viewing this on my phone, it's generally over processed and I find the teeth and tongue a bit odd too. There's lots better on your flickr and I can't personally see why you think this one deserved this treatment.
Selective colour pretty much is a marmite thing though, so if you post an image using it you surely expect negative comments. I don't understand how that's not obvious. If you like it and you want to do it, then you'll need to zone out people who don't.

I looked at your flickr stream and failed to find the other images. But viewing this on my phone, it's generally over processed and I find the teeth and tongue a bit odd too. There's lots better on your flickr and I can't personally see why you think this one deserved this treatment.

yeah i understand, i just dont understand why people seem to comment, just to make a point of not liking it! Madness

Cheers - it was a shoot from early last year, with my old camera and gear

it was my 2nd shoot ever shooting people as all my previous work was cars and architecture. I was just going through some old images and decided to have a quick re-edit.
But why wouldn't they? The biggest complaints with the C&C sections are that either photos get ignored, or there's too many 'great shot' comments which help no-one. Would you want to show this to an audience and turn half of them off without knowing it?

Honestly; Come back in 2 years and tell us how you still love selective colour ;)

It might sound snooty, but like we tell our kids 'Yes I do understand exactly, don't you think we went through the same things?'
Thanks Drounding! I did feel while editing that the hands not being in focus wasn't really an issue! i do feel it would be improved if they were!

boyfalldown - sorry this image doesn't fall into you linear, it must look this way point of view. it must be sad having to create such generic images just so you can look good in front of others. Point is, i did this edit because i wanted too, and i wasn't sitting there thinking, "oh no, people might think iv just learnt a new photoshop skill" or, "best try cover up that its not a perfectly focused image"

oh look he has 7000 posts, must be such a good, your just another photographer with a massive ego, probably enjoying just telling people things don't work, just because you don't like them

I'm sorry it seems to have offended you. Nothing to do with my ego, or number of posts. But why post something for c&c if thats the response to anything but great shot comments. So as a suggestion grow up & stop the personal comments. There's a good boy :)
im not asking for just nice shot comments.

Neither am i wanting comments that just say

"Selective colour rarely helps a photo. And this, I'm afraid is no exception"

Edit - whats the point? you clearly want nice shot comments and will just insult anyone who doesn't give them
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Looks like iv posted in the wrong section......meant this to be in the photos area!

I have a huge love for selective colour. i always have.

As for the focus, well, that was my mistake, still one of my fav shots from the set

Quickly getting fed up of this forum, people seem to just say, "i dont like this"

Just saying "selective colour rarely helps a photo", is not really that helpful!

Not sure if this was intended at me as well, so sorry if I offended you. I did my stint with selective colour, I think we've all done it... for me, I've just gone off it, generally speaking. I think there are times however when it does work however.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you're using selective colour as a processing to an image, you're drawing attention to that area specifically. So you want to make sure that area is a definite area of interest. My thinking was that if you're wanting to draw the viewer to that area of interest, then it should be in focus. The first thing I saw was OOF hands, which in my opinion, takes away from the original image. I'm sure that without this, it's a cracker image, well thought out and creative. But I can't get past the OOF hands. And that's why I think it doesn't work. No offence intended.
As an aside, I have a big ar$e canvas on my lounge wall of a fishing village in B&W with a big red lobster boat big as the almighty... I liked it at the time I did it (about 8 years ago), but cringe when I see it now. The husband and everyone else loves it though... *rolls eyes* lol...
Edit - whats the point? you clearly want nice shot comments and will just insult anyone who doesn't give them

your wrong

Not sure if this was intended at me as well, so sorry if I offended you. I did my stint with selective colour, I think we've all done it... for me, I've just gone off it, generally speaking. I think there are times however when it does work however.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you're using selective colour as a processing to an image, you're drawing attention to that area specifically. So you want to make sure that area is a definite area of interest. My thinking was that if you're wanting to draw the viewer to that area of interest, then it should be in focus. The first thing I saw was OOF hands, which in my opinion, takes away from the original image. I'm sure that without this, it's a cracker image, well thought out and creative. But I can't get past the OOF hands. And that's why I think it doesn't work. No offence intended.
As an aside, I have a big ar$e canvas on my lounge wall of a fishing village in B&W with a big red lobster boat big as the almighty... I liked it at the time I did it (about 8 years ago), but cringe when I see it now. The husband and everyone else loves it though... *rolls eyes* lol...

No it wasn't aimed at you. you explained your reasoning from the start, which was fair, made sense. about the depth of field and therefore the focus being off on the selected area. all great points and things to improve on next time

What wound me up is, the second comment, "i agree..bla bla....", it had already been said, so what was the need to comment, it wasn't constructive or helpful in any way!

I don't mind the selective colour, perhaps a bit more vivid?
The bit that drew my attention straight away was the halo effect around her (not sure if that is meant to be or just post processing).

Focus on the eyes, nice.

Overall I like it.
Just watch the halos on future editting, very difficult to avoid sometimes.
Cheers ecniv! I did try it more vivid, but the blood started to look too red and cartoon like, so i decided to keep with the dark/dull approach

Yeah the halo has come from the vignetting. If i was to edit it again, i would throttle back on that and even out the light on the background to get rid.

i do a lot of HDR (another internet hated thing) and halos are a real issue with them!

Edges of buildings and the sky is always a culprit

by Slacky-boi, on Flickr
The trouble with selective colour is that it's very easy to fall into the trap of having a bright red bus/car/phone box/umbrella/poppy (etc etc) sticking out like a sore thumb in a black and white photo. I don't think this is the case with this image, as the colour is dark enough that it only slightly catches your eye.

At the moment I think her in focus eyes and selectively coloured hands are fighting for my attention, and there are three ways that this could be improved:
  • Keep the coloured hands, but have the whole shot in focus
  • Keep the coloured hands, but have them as a main focus point held forwards, with the rest of the image (and girl) out of focus at the back.
  • Keep it how it is but lose the selective colour. I think her eyes are stunning and having those as the main focus point would look great.
Obviously some of these might not be possible depending on what shots you took at the time.

For me I think the best bit is that she seems happy with having blood on her hands. It's a little different (and disturbing?) and I like it. Overall I think it's a good image, but with a little change I think it could be excellent
Would love to know peoples thoughts on this Re-edit i did on an old image



Unless we dont like it?

Seriously, why do people post in the critique sections if they cant cope with others not liking their photos?

FWIW, I think youve got a really photogenic model there, and as has been said above, a few tweeks would make this stand out more. Maybe a re-shoot with the models make-up a little more gothic looking (very pale), so that the blood naturally stands out without having to use selective colouring. And yes, it would help if her hands were in focus.

Just my thoughts...that you were keen on hearing originally.
Cheers Carl, thanks for the input, if it was a possible fix, i would keep the image how it is and have the whole shot in focus! :)

Thanks Nick, i am doing another shoot with her this month so ill suggest that idea and try again! :)

I don't mind people not liking it, what i dont like is when people comment JUST saying they dont like it or it doesnt work. Those comments are of no use when it comes to improving!

The last two comments from yourself and Carl have been really helpful! thank you!
ah here we go with the grammar attack, another well known forum game!
Hardly an attack, did you leave your sense of humour with your sense of perspective prior to posting?

It's selective colour and some people don't like it. If you just want 'great shot' comments try facebook. There's no point calling names and getting defensive, we still won't like selective colour. It's not personal, we're all here to share knowledge and create a community.
Hardly an attack, did you leave your sense of humour with your sense of perspective prior to posting?

It's selective colour and some people don't like it. If you just want 'great shot' comments try facebook. There's no point calling names and getting defensive, we still won't like selective colour. It's not personal, we're all here to share knowledge and create a community.

bit slow matey.......

things have moved on, sounds like your, you're, you are just trying to get a reaction!
For god's sake guys, can we please just have one thread where people can express different opinions on a photo without it descending into bickering?
I don't care who said what to who first and what the intention was, but this is clearly going downhill and it's time to pick up the toys before somebody trips over them.

Mod hat off

> to the OP
This photo does interest me. Enough so that when I saw it on the front page it prompted me to click through to the thread.

I wholeheartedly agree with the comments about the hands being OOF and the confusion over what the focal point should be.
BUT . . . the fact that her expression doesn't quite tally with the bloody hands and that I don't know whether to look at the coloured hands or her eyes makes it quite an uncomfortable photo to view and that in itself does have a certain appeal and feel to it.
Although it was by accident rather than design, it kind of works for me because it doesn't work if that makes any sense whatsoever.
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Well it got to the front page! suppose that was an achievement! although for the wrong reasons!

Thanks for the input some interesting points you have made about it being uncomfortable on what the focus it on!

Unfortunately, after this, i cant see myself contributing to the "community"

Im sure some people may be happy about that!
Nice attitude.

My opinion on the photo: I like the idea of SC on this one (I don't normally), however I feel it's let down by the coloured area being out of focus. If it was colour/b&w I think it would be a nice shot - good expression, nice focus on the eyes, good composition and model. I like your flickr (y)
For god's sake guys, can we please just have one thread where people can express different opinions on a photo without it descending into bickering?
I don't care who said what to who first and what the intention was, but this is clearly going downhill and it's time to pick up the toys before somebody trips over them.

Mod hat off

> to the OP
This photo does interest me. Enough so that when I saw it on the front page it prompted me to click through to the thread.

I wholeheartedly agree with the comments about the hands being OOF and the confusion over what the focal point should be.
BUT . . . the fact that her expression doesn't quite tally with the bloody hands and that I don't know whether to look at the coloured hands or her eyes makes it quite an uncomfortable photo to view and that in itself does have a certain appeal and feel to it.
Although it was by accident rather than design, it kind of works for me because it doesn't work if that makes any sense whatsoever.
I think her expression does tally with her hands. She got that mystic/devilish/sinfull/playfully," I know what bad things I've just been up to" sort of look in her eyes, or correct me if I'm wrong but that's just my warped mind. I think if you look at her expression in that sort of manner it works, well for me.
Out of focus hands? I have not got my contact lens's in at the moment so its all out of focus but her expression tell her story!!
I was thinking outside the box!!
great shot, well done.
Selective colour aside , the other thing that i have issues with is that it doesnt look like blood - its too shiny and not runny enough and the colour is wrong - the image it gives me is "hey ive just been varnishing my boat, got any swarfega ?" - what was it that wasused as blood substitute ?
Nice - assuming your model doesn't want to be doused with pigs blood, my suggestion would be theatrical blood or joke shop blood for the future - also possibly go a little lighter on quantities
Selective colour usually gets a negative response because it's so heavily over used. That aside though, I'm not really feeling this image because I'm just confused by it. Why does she have blood on her hands? What is she supposed to be doing? Has she just killed someone? Is she a vampire? ?? I just don't get it. Why cover her hands n blood? What were you trying to communicate?

Photography is just communicating with images... and I'm not sure what you're saying.

Depth of field is far too shallow too. The spot colour has drawn my attention from her face, to her hands, and the hands are out of focus.
I like the picture. I thought it was chocolate sauce............. Should be in G & N :)