Self Portrait

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Got a new lens today, I'm waiting until the hood comes in the post before I start properly test driving but, as I'm sure you all can imagine, I had to snap a few quickies the second I got home :)

Anyway, took a few in a little round mirror and here's the result... any and all comments / criticisms very welcome as I'm still pretty green and learning lots every time I shoot / edit.

Added grain to make it seem a little vintage, below is the original

Staff Edit : Image(s) removed. (Link(s) left in place). Pictures must not exceed current forum limits as per the rules.
Please feel free to replace this with a fresh/resized image and remove this text

Edit: Apologies for sizes, I couldn't find the sticky the maximum size, I knew there was one though... above links still active, below are resized embedded 800px




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Not bad at all, however you have injected colour noise into the image and it is a B&W, apart from that keep them coming.

I would say you need to resize the images so they are a max of 800px wide other wise the mods will come a modding...

Prefer the one without the noise although It is very blown out in the bottom right corner
Resized as per forum rules.

Thanks for the comments guys, after taking my first shot into the mirror (which was blown in the bottom right), I decided I liked the effect... a kind of vintage vibe.

As for mirroring, I kept two versions of this pic, one with me in focus and one with the lens in focus - naturally with the one where the lens was in focus I tried mirroring so that the text was readable but I decided it became too distracting as the eye was drawn to the text....

I think the only thing I'm not sure on is keeping the grain or ditching it.... sometimes when I shoot in black & white, I deliberately crank my iso to introduce noise although that's bold I guess as it's permanent...unlike PS :)
When I take these kind of images I mirror them back in photoshop so the text looks the right way round. Nice though.

Nah the part that says ZOOM in the lens now says MOOZ :) more fun like this!
Hair style reminded me of Leonardo DeCaprio in Titanic :shrug:

Im sad, and I know it :)