Sending images to magazines

Edit My Images
Hi all, i've had an article written about my music photography due to go in the may issue of a regional magazine. The writer has sent me a pdf of the spread (double page) with a mock up of where the images and text will be, for my approvable. One image of Amy Winehouse will be a large portion of the article. He needs me to send him a high res copy over email for when it goes to print. I'm looking for advice on how i can protect my copyright: what stops the writer printing off copies for himself and/or selling copies? He will have the same high quality file as i have. Does anyone have any advice/guidance as i have no prior experience of getting photos into print.


The monkey
At the end of the day not a lot, the magazine needs the image for a decent print. You can include IPTC data with your details and copyright notice but anyone who's looking to make money by breaching your copyright isn't going to give a hoot about that.

The real question here is do you trust him?
There isnt anything you can really do to stop them the only thing you can do is be very specific about the license usage you have given them (signed contracts) and if they do breach the copyright then throw the book at them.
Just make it clear in your email to him with the image that Copyright remains with you and is only for use in that feature. If you find out it has been used elsewhere later invoice them. And join the BFP. They are v good at recovering members losses, whether they are images or monies.
Good luck.(y)
As above just make it clear in the EXIF data and when you invoice the magazine clearly state that the use of the images is for 1 time only.
I agree, just put it in the invoice. If you see it used elsewhere without permission, take the appropriate legal action. I've sent images to a couple of magazines before, and just gave them full-res JPEGs. Why should I care, they're paying me, so giving a little trust in return doesn't hurt.
Thanks all for your advice. I shall be specific when sending the email about the usage and fill in the EXIF data.
The Monkey