Sensor Cleaning; handy bit of info

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Just in case there's anyone out there wondering, a sensor clean by Canon (Elstree) is £30 and takes just a day and you can get it sent back to an address or return to pick up yourself i.e. drop in early morning take away that evening (or the next day etc), this appears to be so regardless of CPS membership or not. At Fixation (central london) its more than twice that of Canon and, for most cameras I gathered, there is a waiting list... personally I have never had what I would consider acceptably good service from them either tbh.
I used Canon to get rid of a couple of stubborn stains and it was well worth the little extra effort for both time and money!

hope that's helpful for some!
thats a lot of money, you can get a blower and a whole cleaning kit including swabs for that. but why is it bad to clean the sensor yourself?

Granted stubban ones are nasty
Ok. I understand there's loads of us that do indeed clean our own sensors - myself included- and I entirely agree with you to a point but there are equally lots of people that would feel better off getting the job done by a professional, therefore if they cocked up they are at fault. If we cock up, we pay a hefty repair bill...
Also, as is often the case, it is entirely possible to find certain substances adhere to the sensor's surface very well, such as minute oil droplets from the shutter blades (usually early on in their life) may fall to the sensor, or sticky dust or pollen (its VERY sticky!) and may require more diligent care beyond the abilities of a number of forum users, therefore I have provided the information to assist anyone wondering the best course of action to solve their predicament might be. I was hoping to avoid simplistic and sweeping comments along the lines of "why would i pay anyone to do what I can do myself" which don't exactly help now, do they?
Well I for one would not try to clean my camera sensor beyond what I could possibly achieve with a good old Rocket blower. Its off the the shop for anything more.:bonk:
I was concerned about cleaning the sensor myself until recently.
The amount they charge for what is actually quite an easy task is unreal.
Providing you buy decent cleaning kit and take care it's quite easy to do imo.
Just in case there's anyone out there wondering, a sensor clean by Canon (Elstree) is £30 and takes just a day and you can get it sent back to an address or return to pick up yourself i.e. drop in early morning take away that evening (or the next day etc), this appears to be so regardless of CPS membership or not. At Fixation (central london) its more than twice that of Canon and, for most cameras I gathered, there is a waiting list... personally I have never had what I would consider acceptably good service from them either tbh.
I used Canon to get rid of a couple of stubborn stains and it was well worth the little extra effort for both time and money!

hope that's helpful for some!

not sure if your information is completely correct:shrug:

fixation charge £32.20 for ALL non full frame cameras - which is most cameras

£63.25 for all full frame cameras - i have always cleaned my own sensors and full frame ones are a pain in the bottom so i understand why they charge more

but maybe £63 is a bit much
right most of the dust u can shake off from a blower. some long term dusts you need swab. but very rarely do you get the spot of really old dried out oil spec they linger and linger and linger. even normal oil spec comes off those solutions. they pretty much dissolve them instantly, just thought to point it out. :)
I used fixation and can highly recommend them, I got my sensor cleaned under warranty and they did a sterling job and it took less than a week from me sending it to it being returned to the Isle Of Wight , 100%:clap: