Set_Nights 365 Project (2011)

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This is my first go at this, hopefully I'll learn as I go along :)!

Edit: I have decided that it would be better to put all of the photos in one post rather than just having them scattered through the whole thread or across multiple threads as it will just get messy and difficult to see the most recent ones by the end of the year! I am apparently only allowed 6 photos per thread so you will only see the most recent 5 and Day 1 on this post. If you would like to see the rest please keep reading the rest of the thread or check out my set on Flickr: Set Nights 365 Project (2011) :)!

I have had my SLR for just over 2 years now and spent most of that time shooting in complete auto and not really putting much thought into what makes a good photo composition or how it all works. Well, in the last 6 months I decided that I really want to get into photography properly as a hobby so I switched to using manual and jumped onto the steep learning curve! I've decided to undertake a 365 Project to hopefully encourage me to get out and about more with my camera and give me some good experience of different techiques and environments. I haven't set myself any particular rules or themes other than to take and upload a new photo each day.

I am starting my 365 with this shot taken from a distance of the Edinburgh Hogmanay Street Party fireworks. I love watching (and shooting) fireworks in general, but they really bring in the feeling of the New Year for me and all of the hopes and dreams for the future! Hopefully this project won't just be another failed resolution!

Day 1/365: New Year Fireworks




Day 37/365: Grrr Argh!

Day 38/365: Tantalising...

Day 39/365: Be My Valentine

Day 40/365: Teddy Bears' Picnic

Day 41: Zebra Zooms
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A visit to the Fountainpark Tenpin Bowling. I got a 50mm lens for Christmas, my first ever prime, and its been a challenge to switch to from the zooms. The focusing is far more narrow but sharper and the low light shooting is amazing. I can tell I am going to love this lens once I get used to it. I am a bit disappointed that the pins are so soft in this shot but I feel like I'm off to an ok start :).

Day 2/365: Strike!
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Good start to the new year and the challenge! (y) (you are braver than I am doing a 365!).
Travelling home through Aberdeen Railway Station. This is the first shot I've tried in Mono and I'm quite happy with the effect.

Day 3/365: Journey's End
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Good luck with your 365
Great start - love the firework shot.
Thank you so much to everyone who has commented :). I'm still quite new to all of this and its lovely to get feedback and comments. I got my first prime lens (50mm) for Christmas and its a little daunting as its different to use and gives different results so I'm going to try and do an exclusively 50mm 365 :p (excluding the Fireworks shot as that was the kit lens).
A day out on Aberdeen beach with Mia, my Great Dane. I'm very happy with the shot, I love the DOF/bokeh. The 50mm is really pulling its weight :)!

Day 4/365: On the Beach
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I am really disappointed with today's shot but I was running short of time and had no natural light left so it will just have to do! Ah well, live and learn!

Day 5/365: Child of Brass
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Where's today's? Or yesterday's as it now is. I love dogs, mine should feature a few times.

Patience :p, I had a busy day. I love dogs too and they will more than likely feature in a fair few shots but I'm trying to spread them out! I went to see Thin Lizzy this eve and so was hoping to get some good shots but I wasn't allowed to take my SLR in :(. Fortunately I had some backup shots that I'd taken on a walk earlier in the day. The sun is setting early at this time of year and the sky and lighting was beautiful. Hopefully I've managed to capture some of the light and atmosphere in this shot.

Day 6/365: Skating on the Sunset
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Ok, sort of cheating by having another dog shot so soon but meh :p.

Day 7/365: Chewing the Flea
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Another uneventful day. My OH posing, rather reluctantly!

Day 8/365: In Your Face!
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*sigh*... so I "was" going to stop adding new photo posts to this thread and just update the initial post but then I found out that that method resulted in my thread not being bumped. Sooo... here is the new one and the two that missed out.

Day 9/365: Sunset on the Bridge

Day 10/365: Miaowww
One of my favourite (and well worn!) shoes of all time.

Day 11/365: Fajita time!
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I thought I had already posted this earlier today but I didn't! Last night was on the heavy side :cool:. I've always been curious about a specific light effect one of my friends uses but I've never really understood how it worked or how to do it. It basically involves using a long(ish) exposure time with a flash and moving the camera around just as the flash goes off. Well I decided to actually give it a go for the first time last night. It was a social drinking evening but it mostly turned into a geek session with a fellow camera nerd I met! We had a great night mucking about with various settings :).

Day 14/365: Dancing Lights
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I have an increasing desire to do individual portrait shots of all my nearest and dearest. Perhaps by the end of 2011 I'll have managed a full set!

Day 15/365: Miss Chlot
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I kind of love this photo and kind of don't. On the one hand I think it's a gorgeous view and I like the way I captured it (but yeah, I think I may be a little biased) but on the other it is quite glitchy/grainy :(!!! I guess that's due to the handheld low shutter speed but oh well, I really need to learn to start taking my tripod out with me!!! I boosted the exposure and turned down the temparature a little on the loch without affecting the sky and I love the way its turned out, so beautiful :).

Day 16/365: St Margaret's Loch
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I decided to make some burgers tonight for dinner and very tasty they were. I mixed in some onion, ginger, garlic, chilli and redcurrent!

Day 17/365: Burger time!
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I've seen lots of light trails and always loved them but this was my first ever shot at actually doing one and I'm quite pleased with the result! The traffic was a bit scarce though so I think next time I'll have a go at a heavier traffic area and maybe try out a few different angles :).

Day 18/365:
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I didn't manage to get out of the house today but while taking the dog out in the garden for a toilet break I was stunned by how beautiful the sky was and the amazing pink streaks going through it! I just had to grab my camera and pop off a few quick shots!

Day 19/365: Pink Sky at Night
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This cute little welded "nuts and bolts" doggy was our Chrismas gift/creation from my OH's brother and a very adorable little doggy he is! I thought he deserved a shot of the spotlight so here he is, fighting away the January chill by pretending he is on a tropical holiday :p!

Day 20/365: Nuts and Bolts
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So this is my second attempt at a light trail and I really like it :D! It took a bit of fiddling and waiting to get the settings just right because it was too bright to be able to use the shutter speeds low enough to capture the trails but after waiting a bit longer for the sun to set properly it all came together. I'm disappointed because I JUST missed a passing ambulance which would have been awesome to catch but there's always next time!

Day 22/365: The Second Coming (and Going)
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Saturday was a really heavy night and ran well into Sunday morning, leaving the rest of Sunday as pretty much a write off! This drunken Opium photo is hardly the most artistic photo I have ever taken (!!!) but I think it will do fine as it pretty much sums up what happened to my Sunday and features the very culprit that encouraged my drinking :p!

Day 23/365: Return to Opium

Day 24/365: Behind the Mask
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22 is a stunner, one to be proud of, I might have had a go with a slightly longer focal length to try and take out the pylon but that is my only real thought other than well done and keep up the good work

added you on flickr

Saturday was Burns night and instead of going to a traditional "Ode to a Haggis", neeps and tatties night we decided to do things a bit differently this year and went to the Chilli Burns Night at Illegal Jacks with haggis burritos and a Brewdog tasting session! It was an awesome night and haggis burritos should definitely be part of the usual menu ;-)!

Day 25/365: Brewdog Burns

Day 26/365: Swan Lake
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22 is a stunner, one to be proud of, I might have had a go with a slightly longer focal length to try and take out the pylon but that is my only real thought other than well done and keep up the good work

added you on flickr


Thank you for the comment and the add :). Yeah, I'm really pleased with that shot... I'm trying to try out lots of new things this year and I think that one came out really well. Always looking to improve though!
Like #7 with the dog. I'm also doing the 365 this year. keep up the good work
Sooo, I have been really lazy/disorganised and haven't got round to uploading my daily photos and comments but I've still been taking them, honest! I missed out on day 28 which I'm pretty damn upset about but I'm just going to keep soldiering on!


Another lazy day, another default doggy shot. Today is technically my anniversary but I'm not feeling inspiration... Mia, as always, is looking cutesy and gorgeous though so makes an excellent subject :p!

Day 27/365: Pooch in Boots

Sadness, I've had my first missed day in this project and I'm quite upset about it :(. I took my camera round to a friend's flat for a night in and planned to get my shot there but I got distracted with dinner and film watching and the next thing I knew it was after midnight! Oh well.

The weather is taking another super cold and frosty streak right now and I've had to bump up the heating again. Hopefully things willperk up soon so I can get out and about with my camera more :).

Day 29/365: Brrrz...

Another exciting evening out at Illegal Jacks. We were garnished with some free nachos and dips and miniature haggis and cheese quesadillas! Mmm, gorgeous :). Unfortunately the focus/DOF is a bit off on this photo and so it is really noisy/grainy from my attempts to try and fix that :( but live and learn as they say!

Day 30/365: Dips Ahoy!

The Cameron Toll shopping centre has a huge display of sweet machines and I always ogle all the pretty colours as I walk past. I decided to grab a quick shot of them but unfortunately only had my 50mm lens on me so couldn't get the whole display. Maybe some other time :).

Day 31/365: Bubblegum

This is Inverleith Park, one of my favourite local parks. You get a lovely line of site right down the centre of the park and it's especially impressive when it's deserted at night. I'm a bit confused about why the lamps were reflecting off my lens :confused: but I managed to edit them out ok.

Day 32/365: Night Walk

Part of me is really proud of this shot and the other half is just really confused! I went to the University Photography Society meeting for the first time this evening and they had a special tutorial on shooting in low light. I pretty much already knew everything covered but afterwards we went out into the courtyard and bar to practice shooting and that was pretty awesome. Not so much for the technical side of things but there is definitely something confidence boosting about having a large group of people around you all wielding cameras :p. It was the first time I've felt brave enough to take candid/randomer shots! I wasn't using flash and had my shutter speed pretty low and I saw this lady walking past with her bright pink umbrella and thought it would make an awesome shot but she was quickly passing and I didn't have much time to take the shot. I think I must have "panned" her by accident in my rush and I'm so chuffed that it worked because I've never tried that before :)! Pity about the bin in the background but oh well :(.

Day 33/365: Under my umbrella-ella
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I had an excellent night at the cinema last night watching Black Swan, such an awesome/dark film :). Meanwhile Geoff stayed at home being a code monkey!

Day 34/365: I R Computer Scientist
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These beautiful candles were on display in the Teviot Loft Bar and they really drew my attention :) there is something very soothing about them.

Day 35/365: Tongues of Flame

Tonight was really great :). We had an easy-going night in with lots of beverage drinking and a cremated (quite possibly due to said drinking) roast dinner! I had great fun doing more vodka jelly experiments and plowing them onto unsuspecting victims! I think that's the cheeky vimto perfected now but a little more work is required on the diesels!

Day 36/365: Jelly Joys

Hehe, so mayyybe a little gimmicky but I love it :p! This little puppet is part of a pair and was a Halloween present from my OH. He (the puppet :p... Geoff too I guess) is such a sweety! I had a little play around with desaturating specific colours to eliminate the red wall paint and I think it worked out pretty well, the puppet really stands out!

Day 37/365: Grrr Argh!

Sooo... I buy these pots of mandarin pieces in juice and they are delicious :D! I've had the random idea of this shot in my head for ages but only just got round to doing it and I love it! Seems I hit the focus just right this time :).

Day 38/365: Tantalising...

I was naughty today and bought myself some discount Valentine's Day chocolates (well nobody else is going to :p!) but Oh My (!) are they pretty :D! Almost too good to eat... almost :cool:.

Day 39/365: Be My Valentine
Hardly the most inspiring shot I've ever taken :(. I'm not that big a fan of teddys but people seem to think it's a good idea to buy me them for random occasions and my teddy collection has slowly grown over time :cool:. I have to admit that these bunch are pretty cute though :)!

Day 40: Teddy Bears' Picnic

Hmms, not exactly my best photo! 1/5 handheld :cautious:, another one of those times I really could have done with my tripod :(.

Day 41/365: Zebra Zooms
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Falling a bit by the wayside on updating this :(.

Day 42/365: Cocktail Capers

Day 43/365: Drink Nights

Day 44/365: Tootsy Footsies

Day 45/365: Mixed Kebab

Day 46/365: Eye-balling You

Day 47/365: Observatory Sunset