Severn Valley Steam (HDR)

The first shot works best for me - the HDR is more subtle and the halo-ing less obvious.
Definitely the first shot, very natural looking. I think it would have more pop without the vignette though as it's dulled the highlights a bit.
to me in the first hdr its not that effect that detracts me its that lighting post on the rh side. As an attempt at hdr it seems nice and subtle but as a subject its quite uninteresting imo.
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Yes remove post by cloning, would have liked to have seen all of the front wheels, but not easy I know as you were quite well down the platform ramp it appears. As there is steam coming from loco it is obviously not dead. was it in service ?. if so would have waited for the crew to trun up , gone rear 3/4 of the engine and tried to get a shot including the crew.

Hope this helps


Some of my humble efforts in the world of railway photography.
Just was about to pull out... I didn't want to be infront/side as it did incase of extra steam ;) otherwise might have had those wheel shots.

Rear quarter would need to be very close to get anything (I tried on at the other end of the platform before they moved the engine).

If I go again, might try waiting near the passenger limit and see whether I can get the wheels in too.

Thanks for the comments/suggestions.