Sharpening practice


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C&C especially on the sharpening please........

I'm no expert on Sharpening, but that looks spot on to me Ade (y) it's a really good shot too. Coy little devil that one.
Looks pretty sharp to me dude(y)(y)(y). You're obviously getting used to that big boy of yours.

I'd prefer to see the pic after you killed it th0. Getting that close to one of these and not killing it. What a waste:shake:;)
Looks good. You're laughing with squidgers because apart from the eyes those whiskers are a great check for sharpness. It would be even easier to tell if we had more image and less frame. ;)
Frameless, bit like my new spectacles maybe......:D

You wear glasses?? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You wear glasses?? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Not yet, but I reckon it won`t be long off.

Do you like how I cloned the fox out of this one?
Yes as per title

I have always struggle with PP, probably through a lack of interest in it. Anyhow, CT and Ian pointed me in the direction of a couple of tutorials that Matty wrote, so I read them and had a practice, this was my second attempt and I needed some opinions on it...........(y)
Your not too far out at all Ade (y)
The EXIF says 1/320 @ 7.1
I would have prefered
.22 subsonic circa 800ft /sec :p :D
Your not too far out at all Ade (y)
The EXIF says 1/320 @ 7.1
I would have prefered
.22 subsonic circa 800ft /sec :p :D

Maybe you could point me in the direction of the tutorials?

Your picture looks pleasingly sharp.

Does your technique include selective sharpening? As the rear shadow area looks like it been sharpened a little to much
A bit too sharp IMHO, especially the surroundings - everything jumps out at you when you only really want it to be the squirrel. Good shot though.

He also looked a bit chilly, so I warmed him up ...

Did you alter the WB or change it in with curves/levels Duncan?
Neither - a colour fill layer.

In PS go to Layer | New Fill Layer | Solid Colour

Pick Orange as the colour, and set the mode to Color. Then when the colour picker appears, enter Red : 254, Green 161, Blue 14. Hit OK

Then dial the opacity back to 8% - Instant 81K warming filter.

I've got it set up as an action - if the end result isn't right, just hit it again.
Neither - a colour fill layer.

In PS go to Layer | New Fill Layer | Solid Colour

Pick Orange as the colour, and set the mode to Color. Then when the colour picker appears, enter Red : 254, Green 161, Blue 14. Hit OK

Then dial the opacity back to 8% - Instant 81K warming filter.

I've got it set up as an action - if the end result isn't right, just hit it again.

Ade's head explodes in 5...4....3...2.....:LOL:
Maybe tomorrow............:D
OUCH... I just cut myself it's that sharp.

Excellent PP. :clap:
PMSL. :LOL: I know it's a pain in the butt, but every minute spent in editing is money in the bank, and you gotta start up that hill sometime. ;)
Gary, my PP is atrocious, end of ............:cautious:

But i`m trying to learn.............:)

Thanks for the comment though..........(y)
PMSL. :LOL: I know it's a pain in the butt, but every minute spent in editing is money in the bank, and you gotta start up that hill sometime. ;)

I have to do all that to every raw file?

I like being out taking shots CT, in the fresh air and countryside, I hate computers, suppose I had better start making up to them................:puke:
I like being out taking shots CT, in the fresh air and countryside....
I can't give you a big argument mate, but it's really all about those images you're spending all that time capturing, so you owe it to yourself to do them justice. It's probably the lack of processing holding you back now more than anything. :)
Is this a full frame shot Ade - no crop? One centre AF point?
Yes it is mate, spot focus on the D300.
Anything strike you about where the AF point was? :D
Foliage front left?

But then again..............

CT's right - what the camera shoots is only a sketch, what you do afterwards paints the masterpiece. Or in other words, unless you are in very controlled conditions, straight out of the camera files are rarely good enough.
You've definitely focused on that foliage Ade, which was always slightly sharper than the squidger. The more you tried to sharpen the squidger the more the foliage will look over-sharpened, so this wasn't a particularly good image for sharpening practice.

It drives home the message though... you need to get that AF point cleanly on the subject.

Just basic technnique mate and we all make these errors from time to time. :)
I understand and accept that Duncan, and if it takes many a long hour I will master it,eventually..........:D

It does not mean that I have too like it though......:LOL:
You've definitely focused on that foliage Ade, which was always slightly sharper than the squidger. The more you tried to sharpen the squidger the more the foliage will look over-sharpened, so this wasn't a particularly good image for sharpening practice.

It drives home the message though... you need to get that AF point cleanly on the subject.

Just basic technnique mate and we all make these errors from time to time. :)

As ever, I appreciate your time and advice CT, points taken,noted and stored for next time...........(y)
Hmm.............progress is being made.......(y)
Spot on that mate, absolutely gorgeous shot.