Sheffield on a moody afternoon.

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1ss2 by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

that is a real grumbly darkish shot and is quite in line with the dark satanic mills reputation of the northern counties
i suggest a crop from the bottom...about a third and some boost to the red on the trolley
its a shot i would have taken straight off...and full of interest
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1ss2 by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

that is a real grumbly darkish shot and is quite in line with the dark satanic mills reputation of the northern counties
i suggest a crop from the bottom...about a third and some boost to the red on the trolley
its a shot i would have taken straight off...and full of interest
Lovely edit Geof, it didn't load before I edited mine, but now I see it, great moody improvement. I still have a lot to learn about processing.
Lovely edit Geof, it didn't load before I edited mine, but now I see it, great moody improvement. I still have a lot to learn about processing.

well i got a lot of my experience working on other people shots which had yours did
not taking so much myself just now....sort of poaching in the forward line
thanks for your shot
Hopefully this is along the lines of what you meant, quick edit.

yes that is along the same mine
i use lightroom 3 which allows individual tones to be saturated +/- and
i do however use dodge and burn on all my photos...and yours as well as a fine tuning bringing some areas out and some subdued
it can be overdone of i have found out !! time went on and mistake followed mistake
its all here for us to learn from

More of a play to achieve more pop from park hill flats on the right and the front of the tram.
I'd love to have something like light room available to me, but unfortunately my other half trod on my laptop. All editing is currently tablet only on snapseed.
good luck then...i got mine second hand on it was an 'old' version
around half price
Obviously this is HDR so pretty well cooked in post but there's terrible banding / artefacts in the sky. Its been processed past the point it should have been. What was it taken on?
Fuji x m1 with 16-50mm lens. Nothing I could do with the sky, though I am pleased with the blown out effect.
Fuji x m1 with 16-50mm lens. Nothing I could do with the sky, though I am pleased with the blown out effect.
It's not blown out though, in fact it's the opposite as the highlights have been pulled right down :)

Which is odd that there's so many artefacts / banding in it. How was it processed out of interest?
Processing done on snapseed on my tablet due to limitations at home at the moment.
Ah, maybe Snapseed has compressed it on
top of the processing? Otherwise it's an interesting shot :) The only other thing I might have considered is possibly try to get less of the railings to the right? I don't think you can crop it as the shot would lose some of its other interest, maybe a higher perspective?
Thanks, you're right about losing the interest on the right. I love the colours on the flats. I'll take my full size tripod out sometime and try again.
Sorry about this, I'm going to stick my neck out..

I don't like any of the processing in this thread at all. Banding, halos, over-recovered highlights, over-lifted shadows, exaggerated noise, obvious fake blur, unnatural saturation, pretend picture frames and muddy midtones. The only things missing are for someone to add a monster vignette & some selective colour. I've done them all myself, btw - it's easy to overcook an image when you're close to it - but I do try to keep it a bit calmer these days.

Underneath the original is a well-composed and interesting image. I'd lose some of the foreground as per @dcash29's edit but otherwise do much less with it.

Doesn't Fuji have some editing software that goes with their cameras? If not then try one of the free PC-based tools - they're often well featured if a little clunky but there are lots to choose from.

How to win friends and influence people 101 ;)
I agree completely. No.3 might be ok, just about, if the sky wasn't so overdone. It is a good image that needs a a lot more restraint.
Did you shoot in JPEG for this shot?
The reason for asking is Snapseed supports RAW editing but only in DNG format so to get the file into snapseed would suggest a JPEG edit.
If so then you have to be careful. The camera has already compressed the file to make the JPEG out of camera, further editing of a JPEG in snapseed will compromise the integrity of the file further.

The XM1 is a capable little camera (ex user) so it might be worth shooting RAW in the future so you can get a touch more from the file before it all falls apart.
There is free software avsilable from Fuji that also got shipped with the XM1 (and others).
Its clunky but certainly worth looking into.

Another option would be free software that converts the native fuji RAW files into DNG format then edit in snapseed using that instead.
Was the last thing I shot in JPEG before making the switch to RAW. Never tried the free software. Would like to try gimp or Photoshop, bit currently am limited by my tablet as my laptop is broken.