Shooting basketball tips, please?

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good morning. Hoping you guys can give me some up to date shooting advice.... I have a 5D3 and a variety of lenses. I am going to be able to shoot BBL basketball for a club I have been going to since they started... I would appreciate any advice the sports shooters on here can give regarding lens, setting selection. Thank you for taking the time. Hope y are having a good holiday....or will be later in the week!
Theres a couple who do basketball.. I do..and of course spook who does basketball all over the world for a living.. whats the venue.. we may know it... also have you shot any sports.. also veriety of lens doesnt help .. which have you?

optimum lens is the 85mm 1.8 but if half decent light then the 70-200mkII does a great job

juts a touch more info ?
Hi Chipper,

The best advice I've picked up this season would be to A) position yourself on the baseline moving between the basket and the 3 pt line and B) Sit down, the lower perspective is great.
I've actually done a bit about basketball photography tips on my blog. Feel free to check it out:

Many Thanks
Theres a couple who do basketball.. I do..and of course spook who does basketball all over the world for a living.. whats the venue.. we may know it... also have you shot any sports.. also veriety of lens doesnt help .. which have you?

optimum lens is the 85mm 1.8 but if half decent light then the 70-200mkII does a great job

juts a touch more info ?

Hi there - thanks for replying. It’s Worcester. I have Canon. I have shot sports before including basketball and played basketball and reffed it [when younger!] - I have the lenses you described above plus a 200 2.8, 135 or 50 1.4 but only one body…An excuse to buy the 7dII perhaps!! Also a 24-105 and a wide zoom. Hope that info helps.
THanks again.
If you ever needed a second shooter, It'd be a dream to help out. I only live 2mins from the arena ;)
Hi there - thanks for replying. It’s Worcester. I have Canon. I have shot sports before including basketball and played basketball and reffed it [when younger!] - I have the lenses you described above plus a 200 2.8, 135 or 50 1.4 but only one body…An excuse to buy the 7dII perhaps!! Also a 24-105 and a wide zoom. Hope that info helps.
THanks again.

wrong side of country for me... presum @GooGaBu will have been though..

I use 85 and sometimes the 135 f2 (my fave lens) the 50mm is good if your sit right under/behind the basket.. not bad shots from there.. usualy though as said.. find a corner and sit on floor

settings will depend on the light.. but its going to be constant.. its not going to be briliant so set f2.8 and I would advise 800 shutter speed as a starting point and whatever ISO is needed.. if your camera does good iso then dont be afraid to up it and also up the shutter speed.. golden rule being you can save a noisy pic but you cant save a blurred one..

its all dark around here.. north of england.. not many bbl but a couple.. also do lower league.. a lot for lancashire spinners at the moment... used to do manchester magic (not giants)
I am going to be able to shoot BBL basketball for a club !

just as an aside.. have they sorted you a BBL licence? you know you wont be able to post pics on here :(
Hey @Chipper - and thanks @KIPAX for the 'tag' .. you know I am always happy to come and participate in b-ball chats ;-)

For me - the lens that first goes on in my bodies when covering basketball, is 70-200mm f2.8 (that's when I am on commission and NEED to get good range of images).
With that, you can cover the court nicely from half-way, all the way to under the basket (swap to portrait when action goes under the hoop).

Second lens for me... depends on how many remotes I am using (note - at the moment behind the basket remotes are NOT allowed in BBL!!) at that particular game.
If I am going with 2 or 3 remotes.. then I tend to stick 24-70 or 24-105 to my second hand held body.
Otherwise, I keep swapping around depending on where I sit and what I want/need to capture.

Under the basket (please check with club that it is OK - and maybe even the refs) - I tend to go for 20mm f2.8.. that on horizontal and manual focus is a killer under the hoop (especially when you have venues with high seating on four sides!).
At the corners my second lens might be 15-35 or the 24-70/24-105.

Worcester... if you've been going to Worcester.. you've seen me there plenty of times (guy with a grey Brooklyn Nets cap) photographing their games.
If you are coming to the game at the end of next week (vs Newcastle) - I should be there, so will be happy to have wee chat with you before the game.
Please do keep an eye whether they game goes ahead - Newcastle are at the Cup Final on Sunday, and thus might want to postpone the match!
So check the Wolves website before the game day!

Lighting in Worcester Arena is a bit tricky - strange that, considering it is a new venue and cost millions.
You have various 'zones' on the court... depending whether it is a TV game or not.
Right under the baskets you have 'dark zone' - you go easily down one or two stops.
From the a meter out from the basket - you have a 'neutral zone' all the way to the half-way line.
Then you have the 'bright zone' around the centre...that's about three stops brighter than under the basket.
So.. bit of a challenge to get the whole court covered.. but we like a good challenge!

And as KIPAX mentioned - no posting of BBL images in photo forums, I know some who have done it elsewhere. But.. the license agreement says no posting, so I would stick to that to be sure.
Hey @Chipper - and thanks @KIPAX for the 'tag' .. you know I am always happy to come and participate in b-ball chats ;-)

For me - the lens that first goes on in my bodies when covering basketball, is 70-200mm f2.8 (that's when I am on commission and NEED to get good range of images).
With that, you can cover the court nicely from half-way, all the way to under the basket (swap to portrait when action goes under the hoop).

Second lens for me... depends on how many remotes I am using (note - at the moment behind the basket remotes are NOT allowed in BBL!!) at that particular game.
If I am going with 2 or 3 remotes.. then I tend to stick 24-70 or 24-105 to my second hand held body.
Otherwise, I keep swapping around depending on where I sit and what I want/need to capture.

Under the basket (please check with club that it is OK - and maybe even the refs) - I tend to go for 20mm f2.8.. that on horizontal and manual focus is a killer under the hoop (especially when you have venues with high seating on four sides!).
At the corners my second lens might be 15-35 or the 24-70/24-105.

Worcester... if you've been going to Worcester.. you've seen me there plenty of times (guy with a grey Brooklyn Nets cap) photographing their games.
If you are coming to the game at the end of next week (vs Newcastle) - I should be there, so will be happy to have wee chat with you before the game.
Please do keep an eye whether they game goes ahead - Newcastle are at the Cup Final on Sunday, and thus might want to postpone the match!
So check the Wolves website before the game day!

Lighting in Worcester Arena is a bit tricky - strange that, considering it is a new venue and cost millions.
You have various 'zones' on the court... depending whether it is a TV game or not.
Right under the baskets you have 'dark zone' - you go easily down one or two stops.
From the a meter out from the basket - you have a 'neutral zone' all the way to the half-way line.
Then you have the 'bright zone' around the centre...that's about three stops brighter than under the basket.
So.. bit of a challenge to get the whole court covered.. but we like a good challenge!

And as KIPAX mentioned - no posting of BBL images in photo forums, I know some who have done it elsewhere. But.. the license agreement says no posting, so I would stick to that to be sure.

Thanks for this.. :clap:I will certainly keep an eye on the website and for you if it goes ahead. I have tickets for the game so if the match is postponed won't be able to get my pass from Worcester until after that. I imagine you have at least one 1DX and so are full frame? :ty:
Thanks for this.. :clap:I will certainly keep an eye on the website and for you if it goes ahead. I have tickets for the game so if the match is postponed won't be able to get my pass from Worcester until after that. I imagine you have at least one 1DX and so are full frame? :ty:

Yeap, full frame for me..and yes, 1DX.
Don't be a stranger at the next game.. just come and tap me on the shoulder.
@GooGaBu Interesting to hear the no backboard remotes in the BBL.

I've not actually done it yet, but the guys at Surrey United seemed very open to the idea. Is it the refs or league who said no?

I've found the refs very excepting of my remotes under the basket (floor mounted) so long as they are far enough back. Not tried the backboard yet though.


I've found the refs very excepting of my remotes under the basket (floor mounted) so long as they are far enough back. Not tried the backboard yet though.

was i just unlucky? the first time i tried this it got whacked... was thinking of trying it under a chair or somehting next time... do you guy just leave it open ?
Yeah mine are open. I don't leave it anywhere in open space though.

For example I often use one in the floor (on a mini tripod or gorilla pod) and then I tuck it right in against the side of the basket unit. I face it up to the basket with a wide Lens.

I'll be doing on Saturday, I'll grab some snaps of the setup.

Guaranteed I'll get picked up for it this week though now!
For example I often use one in the floor (on a mini tripod or gorilla pod) and then I tuck it right in against the side of the basket unit.

ha we dont have them up here.. I know what you mean but no.. nothing on floor here just big open space :(
Ah yeah that makes it harder I suppose. Maybe back against the wall, depends how far away that is I suppose.
Ah yeah that makes it harder I suppose. Maybe back against the wall, depends how far away that is I suppose.

thats where it was.. will try under a chair and sticking out slightly.. dunno when my next game is though.. dependant on when they can afford me :)
Couple of ways I do mine...

If I am free to move around (so BBL and other UK leagues are OK for this) - I tend to just use it handheld on the ground under the basket.
So swap from 70-200 to the wide-angle when want to.

Tape three AA batteries together and then tape those to the front edge of the camera - this give about a perfect angle to shoot.
Choose the spot I want to place the camera - focus manually (that is a must anyways!) - place small marker to the floor (piece of tape, etc) by the front edge of the camera.
Set-up to trigger with PocketWizard (other brands are available!) - open the camera strap so I can stay good 1m - 1.5m away from the camera.
Use the other body as normal (with PW triggering the remote camera).. if/when action gets too close for comfort.. use the strap to pull the camera towards you.
Once action goes the other way.. replace camera to marker.

Personally I am not really keen to use any kind of tripod/gorillapod with these - the camera itself is already a risk to the players, and anything extra added to it :-(
Then again, I once saw someone place a PROPER tripod and leave it by the end-line.. got whacked by a player, luckily the player wasn't injured.

Under the chair is also an option in the smaller games - if you have the floor wiper sitting there.. just kindly ask if you can put the camera under his chair and hope he remembers to keep his feet away from the line of sight.

As for the venues that have 'big open space' under the basket.. sometimes at these you have trouble getting close enough with a wide-angle lens, so maybe KIPAX choice of 50mm / 85mm from further away might work better.
When there is no stand - the referees tend to take a winder running line under the basket and not be so much aware of your camera.

(sorry for the ling reply - perhaps it shows I feel something towards basketball photography ;-) )
Yeap, full frame for me..and yes, 1DX.
Don't be a stranger at the next game.. just come and tap me on the shoulder.
Thanks for the chat at the game tonight- have never seen the Wolves play so well nor Flournoy lose his cool before. Is there somewhere I can see your images from the game online... Especially from the camera overhead, that must have taken some time to get back down. Great to meet you.. Maybe see you in a couple of weeks. Cheers. :clap:
Thanks for the chat at the game tonight- have never seen the Wolves play so well nor Flournoy lose his cool before. Is there somewhere I can see your images from the game online... Especially from the camera overhead, that must have taken some time to get back down. Great to meet you.. Maybe see you in a couple of weeks. Cheers. :clap:

Likewise - always fun to talk to other people with cameras :)
Hope you got some good snaps of the game - certainly was one of the games that you could get nice action images from (not every game is so easy).
Don't post too many of my images online - licensing issues, players stealing them and so on.
I can send you a PM here with a link to see some... I think a direct link on here just to see my photos is a bit too embarrassing.

If I am in the country in couple of weeks - I should be there again :)
Yes please on the link. Wouldn't mine some critique on mine, but can't use this forum ..are you on Facebook? Will use the smaller lens next time so I won't have an ice pack on my shoulder as I type this! Thanks again for your help. :clap:
Thanks for that look, Kipax. Found I could get on the floor yesterday with my pass but hadn't taken my big kit in case I was knocked back and told I couldn't bring it in... Fab being so close to the action. Will see later if any of them are any good. Newcastle did to Glasgow what the Wolves did to them on Friday night...

Enjoyed some of the women's action too, a good showcase for the first attempt and shows the girls that they can do more than wave tinsel about and be jumped over by very gymnastic Dunkers in the show (as opposed to the slam dunk comp which was a bit poor).

Looking forward to the next wolves home game...