Shooting with Glasses on...

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How many of you wear glasses and do you find that it gets in the way when shooting through the viewfinder? This is something I'm starting to notice more and more when composing my shots...
Same here.

No problem. Shot my way through 5 seasons of BSB and WSB racing with glasses on and the shots are framed ok. You just have to be aware of it and use your focus points.
Same here.

No problem. Shot my way through 5 seasons of BSB and WSB racing with glasses on and the shots are framed ok. You just have to be aware of it and use your focus points.

Yeah, I do use the focus points. But I just find that my eye is a tad too far away from the viewfinder to "see" the image properly. May be its just me, but when I tried the D700/D3's larger viewfinder it did help quite a bit - hope the missus is reading this! ;)
My eyesight is virtually perfect through my left eye whereas my right eye is goosed so I shoot without my specs on using my left eye. Couldn't get on with it wearing glasses to be honest.
Never noticed a problem.
Hi, I wear glases but im not that blind so I use the adjuster near the eye piece and that normally gets it right for when I lift my glasses up. Apart from that they do get a bit annoying when using my film camera as it doesnt have an adjuster

just stick the glasses on your head and then put on to chimp, or is your eyesight so bad that the dioptric adjustment isn't enough (in which case you have my sympathies)
Hi, I wear glases but im not that blind so I use the adjuster near the eye piece and that normally gets it right for when I lift my glasses up.
ditto. but I usually forget to raise my glasses. Then I remember. Then the moment has passed :bang:
If I push up my specs I have to ask the guide dog to peer through the viewfinder. Then I've got doggy-drool protecting the display panel.

Seriously I do have to wear specs and because my left eye is dominant I use my left eye at the viewfinder. As my specs are varifocals, I'm mindful of aligning viewfinder, eyeball and the centre part of the lens.
I find them a nuisance and usualy take them off. Mind I have trodden on two pairs in the last eighteen months:(
Six months ago it really bothered me. I felt I was unable to see all the frame at once, I couldn't see the meter info, I even tried removing my spex to take a shot.

Now it doesn't bother me in the slightest and I keep my spex on 100%. Not sure why, and I hadn't even noticed that it had got better until I saw this thread and started thining.

I take 'em off. But then I only really need them for driving anyway, I can see fine close up. The only situation I find annoying is watching TV whilst on the laptop. Can't see the TV well without glasses, get a headached looking at the laptop with glasses!
I find myself looking over the top of my glasses when I look through the viewfinder. It's silly really seeing as I'm wearing glasses in the first place so I can see better!
I wear glasses when concentrating, and really should to shoot, but i tried and just can't do it!
Blind as a bat (dioptre adjustment goes no where near my vision) and have always (20+ years) shot with glasses... I am also left eyed which makes things interesting.

Blind as a bat (dioptre adjustment goes no where near my vision)

me too! I found it quite weird shooting with the viewfinder on my fz50, but don't really think about it now... although I do often have fingerprints all over my glasses when I've been out with my camera :LOL:
I find them extremely annoying so I've made an appointment with Specsavers on the 27th to get contact lenses.. problem solved! :LOL:
For those where dioptre adjustment doesn't go far enough, or if the camera doesn't have dioptre adjustment, most camera manufacturers produce stronger adjustment lenses in different strengths which fit in the eyecup slot, so it should be possible to get the correct strength. Might help in some cases?
I had my own internal 'dioptre adjustment' made last year :D, courtesy of a pair of lasers :eek:, so it's a doddle now.

:)thinking: Hmm, where's the "smug git" icon?)
I usually prop mine on top of my head.

Can't seem to get to grips looking through the view finder with my goggles on.
I need only reading glasses but its a nuisance. Use the viewfinder with adjustment but need to put my glasses on when adjusting settings or reviewing pics, its a pain sometimes but just a side effect of getting old!