Shots for a local car club site.

Richard Black
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I got asked to meet up with a car owner in a location to take some shots of their car for a club site.
Brilliant car, turbo'd vtec del sol. Very quick, plenty of carbon panels for weight reduction.

These were the best ones of the day, quite happy with them really. Location wasn't perfect but it was the best we could find at a short notice.









Nice shots, although i dunno if your after crit, love the detail shots great focus and sharpness. However find the exterior full car shots just a little boring, i cant decide if its the car position or angle you've taken it from, to me there not very interesting. Great detailing *** ;)
Crit is what I'm after, as I want the next shots i do to be better.
It could be a combination of angles and position. I was abit wary to slap an angle on the shots.
I did wonder about whether it should have been a brighter background over the grey car.
Cheers Goldeeno, I didn't know about that site so i'll have a look round it and use it for some ideas.
You probably already know about it, but i find a great place to see decent quality Jap Auto Photography, and loads of cars like your on there, so take some notes on the enviroments and angles of the cars etc. Looking forward to see the results next time.

I don't believe it!!! The first page shows a background just like the one used for these pics!!!!!

I have a photographic memory that was never developed
I like that, it looks totally different to the original shot, loads more life to the picture. Just being picky, shame about the disco in the background.

From the originals, I like the interior shots, no. 8 appeals to me in particular but I can't put my finger on why. I think it's because the car generally does nothing for me at all, but I like the bits and pieces that make it up.

Picture 10 is a great shot too IMO, I like to take shots like that when I'm working on cars.

Personally, I'd avoid shots like no 1 and 4 on a car like that. I appreciate the carbon panels have been fitted to to a)add bling and b)save weight, but they never fit properly and as a result it looks like it's been hastily bodged back together after an accident with panel gaps all over the place, and it's totally unflattering to the car and all the work thats gone into it.

Just my opinion, not photographically technical I'm afraid, but I spend my life looking at cars and photographs of them in macro detail!
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Like the interior shots but the other do little for me I'm afraid, all a bit flat

Now the last one you posted, very nice. It's got that "pop"

What adjustments did you make?
Love the HDR edit. I think most of the other full car shots would benefit also.

The close ups are excellent.
Cheers for your comments. I'm personally quite happy with the detail shots, but as said the others are abit dull.
I'll do a few more with a hdr tint and see how they come out after that.
BIG ANT, its hdr on the last shot.
Difficult subject - but poor light, poor location and too many reflections - worth a re-shoot with more interesting lighting - dramatic skies? - huge reflectors - and a nicer location?
Those wheels and exhaust are truely awful imho.

An ok set of photos though, some of the background looks too cluttered though.

Like the HDR version!!

Overall impression: Good detail shots; whole car shots a little bit dull (blame the weather!!)

In this case, I would normally put some style into the shot, i.e. increase saturation/contrast, use different perspective/distortion and find interesting background/shadow/colour. This could keep the photo a bit more interesting than what you actually see in the real world!

I have just quickly changed the brightness/contrast on 2 shots of yours. Hopefully you don't mind. See what you think :)




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ccsharry cheers for those 2 edits, just shows abit of playing and you can bring the photo back to live. HDR does seem to work well.
I tihnk i'll re-edit some and send on the updated versions to be used. Or I'm not sure if i should leave this one be and work abit harder on the next one.

The problem with the location was, it was a last minute meet up, a rush round to find a location before light started to drop. I knew when i was relying on the 50mm more than my other lenses that light wasn't going to be good.
Using a tripod may have helped too, all my shots were hand held. Part of the recipe for disaster i suppose.
If I were you I would play with this patch of shots and see what could be done. This might give some clue on what to do (and not to do) next time :eek:)

I don't like last minute call for a photo shoot as this doesn't give me much chance to prepare all positions and perspective at all. Oh well, hopefully you can have a planned shot next time!! Good luck!!


These are lot more interesting mate!! Great work!!

One thing though, beware of overdone the saturation as the red seems to have come out too well :p