Show us yer film shots then!

Very nice Alan, so if I'm interpreting correctly the new Portra has quite a wide latitude for long exposures at night, and probbaly no significant reciprocity failure at least as far as one or two minutes.
Excellent shots.....interesting to know if it would look even better with slower colour film.

Thanks. I'm sure finer film would be nice. This was a test. I'd say this is pretty darn fine grain for 400 film. Issues of color shifting with some color films needs to be weighed in as well as latitude in conditions such as this, I'd think. There was detail in the highlights of the Space Needle in all of three of the 30 sec, 1 and 2 minute exposures. That's forgiving.

Wow. I admit I didn't understand a word of your explanation (sorry, still a newbie) but whatever it meant it worked a treat. That first shot is stunning and the crop, well I'm lost for words at how sharp and clear it is. I defy anyone with a digital camera to beat these.


Thanks. A digital MF camera could do it easily from what I've seen from them.

Very nice Alan, so if I'm interpreting correctly the new Portra has quite a wide latitude for long exposures at night, and probbaly no significant reciprocity failure at least as far as one or two minutes.

Thanks. My next roll will be trying out EI800 and EI1600 with normal development. But, yeah, I'd say it has some great latitude. Per Kodak's data sheet, they say the film is derived from their motion picture Vision film and technology and I've seen some amazing high ISO shots of Vision 3 500T motion picture film that people have put in still cameras and tested out.

This is only my first roll but so far I'd say no reciprocity adjustment in this time span. But this kind of shot shadow detail is not critical. One guy on said to double or triple the time after one-second but that's not what I'm seeing so far.
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Just a snap shot from me, a combination of me trying to work the 40mm 1.4 Nokton wide open, and test my new scanner. I'm pretty happy with the results, better than I had expected.


Fuji 400H
Like it Rob. I'm after getting a 40mm Nokton for my R3a so I'd be interested in seeing a few more samples if possible. Have to say looking good so far.

Like it Rob. I'm after getting a 40mm Nokton for my R3a so I'd be interested in seeing a few more samples if possible. Have to say looking good so far.


Its a really nice, light & compact lens - very nice for out and about, and good value, think I paid around... £350 with hood etc. Its a little short in focal length for my usual kind of shooting, but I think it may grow on me very quickly :) I'll post more as and when.
Its a really nice, light & compact lens - very nice for out and about, and good value, think I paid around... £350 with hood etc. Its a little short in focal length for my usual kind of shooting, but I think it may grow on me very quickly :) I'll post more as and when.

Gulp! :eek:

The Hexanon pancake 40mm f1.8 is an excellent lens for about £20
Well I have two and bought them before the word got out for about £8 each, but would agree Hexanon can't compete with the Nokton wide open but stopped down a bit I'm sure it would come close.

Interesting results:-

Interesting read indeed, the Hexanon is pretty disgusting at 1.8, but stopped down to 2.8 it looks like a completely different lens :)
Interesting images there Brian. The Hexanon certainly holds its own against the Zuiko and isn't a million miles from the Leica at 2.8.

Interesting images there Brian. The Hexanon certainly holds its own against the Zuiko and isn't a million miles from the Leica at 2.8.


The ordinary common Hexanon lenses are still going fairly cheap i.e. 28mm f3.5, 40mm f1.8, 50mm f1.7 if you can pick up the basic Konica TC camera body'll have a lot of fun with this combo (also something about the colours from the lenses).
I only used my TC the other week with 40mm lens and flash, but someone (I reckon my grand daughter :nono: ) twiddled the flash sync speed dial from 1/125 to 1/250 so only got half a shot, oh wait it was artistic licence :cool:

Hexanon 40mm, Kodak Ultra expired 2006
How are people converting their photos to digital? Because i just found some old holiday snaps (well, about four years ago...) taken with a disposable film camera, some of the shots are pretty decent on the print outs but when i scan them the quality drops... considerably. It's supposed to be a pretty decent scanner too, all in one (C7180). I'd try the negs but i can't for the life of me remember where i put them. Cheers :)
How are people converting their photos to digital? Because i just found some old holiday snaps (well, about four years ago...) taken with a disposable film camera, some of the shots are pretty decent on the print outs but when i scan them the quality drops... considerably. It's supposed to be a pretty decent scanner too, all in one (C7180). I'd try the negs but i can't for the life of me remember where i put them. Cheers :)

I use a Nikon Coolscan 9000 mostly and also a Nikon Coolscan IV, both give excellent results although the Nikon software is a little clunky.
A couple around and about Bristol. Pentax SF7, Tamron 28-80mm adaptall and Fuji Neopan 400

Old duke:

Street decoration:

St. Mark's Church Masonry:
****Superb photo****

Indeed, but what makes it into a winner is:- it looks clear and sharp and has all the tones from white to black.
Here, Here!:clap:


how did the MOT go, Mark...?

I attended Glasgow's Southern General this morning --- lotsa needles stuck into muscles to test neurological response

not pleasant but got a clean bill of health = (y)

took the A1 with B&W film - too much rain though....:thumbsdown:

how did the MOT go, Mark...?

I attended Glasgow's Southern General this morning --- lotsa needles stuck into muscles to test neurological response

not pleasant but got a clean bill of health = (y)

took the A1 with B&W film - too much rain though....:thumbsdown:

All sorted - gave it the annual "oily rag service" and needed a rear windscreen wiper blade, and that was it! Cheapest trip to a garage i've had in 5 years :LOL:

And better still, great to hear you got a pass on your tests too (y)
afternoon walk with Nikon EM
still learning about B&W exposures..........:thinking:

bit of a 'light-leak' on top left...?
new seals ordered
Well I have a soft spot for my EM, all I did was compose and press the shutter button and it gave me a very good snap:-

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afternoon walk with Nikon EM
still learning about B&W exposures..........:thinking:

bit of a 'light-leak' on top left...?
new seals ordered

Are you referring to that one tree that looks lighter? I'm not sure. Run a roll of color film through and it will probably show up better if that's the case.
I think most HTTP clients only download the same image once on a page. It gets cached.

It's normal policy of "Da Management" on TP that threads that get to 2000 posts get split and re-started to minimise strain on the server hamsters. This thread has got WAAAAYYY over that number, so we generally try, wherever possible, to keep image-quoting down where possible. It's also a pain to scroll past 2 identical images (or indeed, as has happened, 3 identical sets of 6 images!) - especially on mobile devices.
When images are linked to Flickr, most of the burden and load is on their servers, no?
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Love it, where is it?

Thanks for liking it...Ibiza town

someone said once "it was a terrible shot, street lamps in the way etc" and I replied what did you expect me to do "plan a sunset or have a helicopter ready to fly from the town to a beautiful location to catch the sunset before it disappeared, and it does very quickly " :shrug:
Anyway the important thing is:- some of my family was in the shot and they also liked it.
When images are linked to Flickr, most of the burden and load is on their servers, no?

And flickr are backed by Yahoo!, have piles of corporate money to throw at the problem, people who pay subscriptions for their service, and probably more servers to dish out the images from than TP has members. TP however, is a free service provided by a a very few individuals, and is supported by fairly minimal advertising. Personally, I don't care about the mechanics of the process - if the people who provide this wonderful website say it's better to not overload their servers by multiple image quoting, that's good enough for me! If you wish to ask about this policy, perhaps you should do it in the relevant area of the forum.

Crescent Beach, Ecola State Park, OR

100 Acros, PMK Pyro, NDX400 + O2 Orange filter, 120 Seconds

once again - thanks for memory - been there

lovely image

I really NEED to scan some slides..!!

Canon FTb, Canon 50mm FD f/1.8, Konica Centuria 200
It's getting harder to find a phone booth these days. I only now developed this roll of film but it was shot last Summer.

Zeiss Planar CF T* 80mm, Kodak Ektar 100
