Show us yer film shots then!

Spanish sunrise.

Richard that's a real parcel of delights you've brought back from Spain, fantastic stuff.
lovely. What camera, film?

Thank you, Bessa R3A, Nokton 40mm and Velvia 50

Aaaah richard, thats a stunner.

I would possibly crop away about 1/2 of the foreground silhouette though.

Thanks Mel, I will give that a try and see what happens.(y)

Richard that's a real parcel of delights you've brought back from Spain, fantastic stuff.

Thanks Chris, I am slowly going through the films to see what is there.:)
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Excellent work Richard, glad to see the little Bessa is in good hands.

Like both of those Charlotte, yes, a little yellow tinge but it works rather well.
Thanks Andy, I really like using the Bessa and by the way, should you not be enjoying your holiday. :)
I am, its a fantastic country and I'm hopeful of some cracking shots.(y) And its only 08.30 in the evening here.
I am, its a fantastic country and I'm hopeful of some cracking shots.(y) And its only 08.30 in the evening here.

Glad you are having a great time, looking forward to seeing all your shots.(y)
Loving that last glastonbury shot.
Stage lighting can be tricky but you look like you've got it spot on.
I've just uploaded a couple of shots I took on my Fuji GA645. It's the first film camera I've used that had AF which could keep up with active kids pretty well :)


2) Howzat!


I've just uploaded a couple of shots I took on my Fuji GA645. It's the first film camera I've used that had AF which could keep up with active kids pretty well :)

So, of course, you sold it?!:shake::shake::shake:
a few from my lunchtime walkabouts. 35mm Delta 100.

Where all the best deals are made

the building is like that, honest :) I wouldnt want to be in the top corner office. ALthough the perspective amplifies the effect a bit more.
One from a small courtyard in Helsingor where we had lunch (mmmm, open face sandwich) and listened to Jazz,

Playing Helsingør by Sectionate, on Flickr

I am beginning to really like Precisa, it scans so well and the colour are gorgeous. I tried Fuji Pro400H on the same trip (inbetween a mild bout of stomach upset), and it is entirely different. Totally grainy compared to Porta400, but that may be my scanning of negatives.
I am beginning to really like Precisa, it scans so well and the colour are gorgeous.

Nick, have you had problems exposing Precisa? I've just had my second roll back from Peak, and when I scan it the histogram is all bunched up in the left half or even left third. Some shots can be corrected... sort of... but some are just lorst and gorn.

I've been wondering if the batteries are a bit low (camera is Pentax ME), and I replaced them last night. But the manual says if they are low they will flicker, which they weren't doing.
Nailed as usual, Osh!

Nick, I've only shot one roll of Precisa but I really liked it. Love those subtle tones in your image!

I received the negs from my first ever roll of Ektar back from Peak this morning and I immediately love the stuff! Shot on the RB67, scanned on the V500. :)






Nick, have you had problems exposing Precisa? I've just had my second roll back from Peak, and when I scan it the histogram is all bunched up in the left half or even left third. Some shots can be corrected... sort of... but some are just lorst and gorn.

I've been wondering if the batteries are a bit low (camera is Pentax ME), and I replaced them last night. But the manual says if they are low they will flicker, which they weren't doing.

There have only been one or two shots that haven't come out, but that is more down to my dodgy metering!
Not very exciting, but here are a couple from my first roll of Velvia 50 in my new Mamiya 7ii. I'm really liking it so far!

Osh, you are single-handedly destroying Wales' reputation for being almost as dreich as up here! Cracking shots.

Nick, I've only shot one roll of Precisa but I really liked it. Love those subtle tones in your image!

I received the negs from my first ever roll of Ektar back from Peak this morning and I immediately love the stuff! Shot on the RB67, scanned on the V500. :)

Nice set, the band looks a bit mad its a nice effect, a bit of a album cover look.
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What a great page of some brilliant shots, congrats to all.(y)
I had a long weekend in Fowey, Cornwall a couple of weeks ago;

Happy for any / all critique (as if these were submitted in the critique section)


Nailed as usual, Osh!

Nick, I've only shot one roll of Precisa but I really liked it. Love those subtle tones in your image!

I received the negs from my first ever roll of Ektar back from Peak this morning and I immediately love the stuff! Shot on the RB67, scanned on the V500. :)
Liking all of these - but the band one really stood out for me (y)