Show Us Your Best Fillum Frame from 2012


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It's that time of the year folks - time to dig out the negatives and slides, throw 'em on the lightbox and decide which was your shot of the year.

Simple stuff - one single frame, B&W or Colour, 35mm,MF,LF, Wet Plate or Polaroid, but it has to be originated with chemicals not electrons :LOL:

Edit: as per the discussion thread: Feel free to do 1 colour/1 B&W if you can't rule it down to a single shot.
and to start the ball rolling... here's mine.

Wooden Waterton

Wooden Waterton by The Big Yin, on Flickr

Shot with my EOS-3 on 35mm Ilford HP5+ at 400iso, Home souped in Ilfosol 3 at 1+14 for 11 minutes. Scanned on Canoscan 8800F and Silverfast 6.6.2r5 - minor dust spotting in CS5 and a gentle sharpeing using a high-pass layer filter.

I like it simply because it was slightly different to what I'd normally do - I tend to work with lower iso films and grain reducing developers, looking to get a smooth appearance on my shots - this is pretty much the opposite - grainy, contrasty, but somehow, I still like it.

It's a chainsaw sculpture of Charles Waterton, the guy who built up the Walton Hall Estate - apparently, the sculpture is placed at Charles's favourite view, looking back towards the Hall across the rolling countryside. All I can say is Charles certainly had an eye for a view - though on the day this was shot, it was more or less a view of 5 yards of grass then a wall of mist!

splitter by bombs and monitors, on Flickr

Shot on Fuji Superia 200, with my Canon EOS 600. I like this shot because of the saturation + vignetting, the slight "action" pose, and the wide composition. A wideangle lens is not what's usually used for portraits, but I was trying to emulate something like Wes Anderson's films. Feedback very welcome!

Sunset At Kimmeridge by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Provia 100F on the RB67 at f22 with a 2 stop hard grad on the sky, devved by Peak Imaging
Kimmeridge, Dorset
Probably one of my favorite frames this year as i haven't managed to shoot a great deal of landscapes and it was a good afternoon preceding the shot spent relaxing on the rocks waiting for the light

Black and white

Ribblehead Viaduct by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Adox CHS 25 on RB67 at f22
Midday sun and a yellow filter
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I'm very new to film so still got a lot to learn. I'm reasonably happy with how it's going so far, but got a long way to go.

I think this is probably my favourite so far.

Westport to Middleport 7 by simon ess, on Flickr

Nikon F80. Nikon 28-80 Ilford FP4. Home developed and scanned with an Epson V500

Still-life-in-garden-b&w by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Nikon F100, Nikon 28-105mm lens on Agfa 200 film. I think this is my fave but, although i liked the original shot, its more down to the processing as it came out exactly as I imagined it would when I took the shot and thats a rare thing indeed.

Bicicletta abbandonata sull'isola di Lido by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Voigtlander Bessa R, Color-Skopar 35mm f2.5 MC lens, Ilford HP5+ processed in Rodinal (I think), scanned using a Nikon Coolscan 9000 and tweaked using Lightroom 2.

And my fave colour shot of the year

Zero Image Pinhole Superia X-TRA 400-4 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Taken for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day on 29th April 2012. Taken at West Wittering beach on the south coast on a Zero Image pinhole camera on Fuji Superia X-TRA 400 film, exposure of approximately 4 elephants, processed by The Darkroom in Cheltenham and scanned on a Nikon Coolscan 9000, tweaked in Lightroom.
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Well I think I've posted this before, but it's one of my favourite "non family" shots (and I did sit there for a long time) :-

Flek 35mm f2.4, Pentax S3, Reala, dev and scanned at Asda and gamma and spots adjusted by me in Photoshop.
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Well it's taken me nearly all day to choose mine and both the colour and b&w are from our trip to Berlin:

While doing research for our trip I had seen similar shots to this from this location and it was one I wanted to try myself. I think did it justice :) X-300/XP-2/28mm 2.8

potsdamer platz
by rednorters, on Flickr

My pick for colour is this one:

wall shadow
by rednorters, on Flickr

We were checking out the tat stalls near to Checkpoint Charlie and when I turned around I saw this lady trying on one of the red army hats. I saw her shadow on the piece of the Wall that they have there and it was pure luck that this particular piece had that particular grafitti on. This was also the same camera/lens combo as the first shot but Superia (200 or 400 flavour).

Thank you as always for looking (y)
Tough call, but I reckon it has to be this, and (possibly because) it's not my usual cityscape/architectural subject matter.

Kodak BW 400CN, Canon A-1 with FDn 50mm f/1.4.

Pin-striped by cybertect, on Flickr
This one has to be my favourite on a personal and photographic level. (4x5, 150mm, CHS25, yellow filter)

Mupe Bay by Jonathan Woods Photography, on Flickr


Golitha Falls, Cornwall by Jonathan Woods Photography, on Flickr

Despite the fact that I've shot only 6 frames of slide, of which this is one, the 10 shots I have taken on Ektar scanned so terribly that I've not actually got any results from them. Might revisit them at some point, but currently this is my pick from colour film :)
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It is a tough one, as I have only really used a film camera this year and I have some firm favorites, but I think this one cuts the mustard

img024-2 by Sectionate, on Flickr

It took my 35mm up onto the slopes with me, as I didn't trust the plastic body of my D7000. Only I found out at the end of the trip I had set the ISO to the wrong setting :thumbsdown:

Luckily, some genius of a developer sorted it out for me!
it's the dog. Taken on a Kodak disposable..


One colour, one B&W, both from the Rolleiflex:


Velvia 100


Tri-X @ 1250 in Diafine

It was hard to pick as it was quite a productive year for me, but those two shots made me think 'wow' when I scanned them in. The colour shot was my first roll of slide film too, so there's that.
No piccies showing on my pc Lloyd....
Only took this one recently.I went to Tate Britain for the pre raphaelite exhibition, and saw this woman in deep thought.
Leica R8, Tri-X at iso 800, stand developed in Rodinal.

Tate Britain by paul139, on Flickr
OK, hours of enjoyable combing later, I'm putting up two very different 2012 shots that are my personal favourites right now.

The colour one was a toss up between this and a sunny North Berwick beach in Velvia, but this shot has grown and grown on me:


I like the weird abstract nature of it (so I shan't try to say what it actually is). Shot on my first (and almost certainly last) roll of Sensia with a Pentax ME, scanned on Plustek 7500i, probably default settings.

Most of the mono shots are more pedestrian. but I quite like this one; I passed this photographer concentrating on some fungi, ignoring the castle and the frozen flood, until he suddenly noticed me and went striding off!


Taken on Neopan 400CN with a Pentax MX, probably with the same 50mm f/1.7 lens as the first. Scanned at Photo Express.
My landscape photography is shot on film exclusively so I had quite a few options. In the end I went with this...... taken in the last few weeks of 2012.

It's a new release of mine I call "Sanctum"
My landscape photography is shot on film exclusively so I had quite a few options. In the end I went with this...... taken in the last few weeks of 2012.

It's a new release of mine I call "Sanctum"

I like that, Type01. It's a bit unusual to have a pano format shot, so could you say more about the camera, film, etc? BTW, welcome to TP!

Rather like this simple autumn shot in the street, Nikon F3HP, 28mm, Agfa Vista


Nikon FE2, Nikkor 105mm, Agfa Vista converted to monochrome
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Details on Type01's photo Mod Edit: Can be found via google if you're keen enough - a link in his initial post was removed for a reason...Cheers :)
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I have started collecting vintage folding medium format cameras. I picked up a Zeiss Super Ikonta B just before Christmas and this is a photo from the first film I put through it. The subject is an old factory near Gloucester Docks that I keep returning to for photos.

Super Ikonta-11 by Idlefrog Photo, on Flickr