Show us your Star Trails

Again not a bad first attempt:). Shows you've got the technique cracked.
With processing and removing frames together rid of planes etc, what you can do is rather than delete that frame and have a gap in the trails is just to use a brush in Photoshop, set your paint colour to black and paint over the plane trails in the frames that have them prior to stacking.
Then once stacking the frames, your software will ignore the big black line as it's only looking for the lighter pixels and you get no gaps in your trails:)

EDIT - the Moon can also be your best friend at night giving natural illumination. I've done a few trails under full Moon and they've come out pretty good:)

Ahh ok, that makes sense. I'll have a go at editing a few of the trails and lights out when I get a few minutes at home, and see if it improves the shot. Thanks for the tip :)

I think most of the gaps are from when I stopped the camera to check the lens wasn't fogging up, and to check that the photos were still looking ok. I must have stopped it for less than ten seconds each time, every ten minutes or so, but it seems to have left noticable gaps! I think next time I'll set the camera going and then not touch it at all for an hour. Hopefully this will give me more solid trails.

I hope you're all prepared for me to be cluttering this thread with my attempts over the next few weeks :p :LOL:
There are some pretty amazing shots in here. I have to go grab my tripod and try this out myself.
Some amazing shots here, can't wait for sky's to clear up and get out there with camera