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I just found these growing amongst the plants in a planter, any idea why they are there?. I got 3 new wooden planters for the garden 2 weeks ago, I then bought some new compost and some assorted plants for them, planted everything and all seemed good. Then today I noticed these things growing in 1 of the planters, not being very green fingered I wondered if I should remove them?, I am pressuming they were in with the compost I bought as they are only in 1 of the planters, and each planter got 1 bag of compost.
Thanks Andy

They are taking over now lol, just noticed small shroom head popping up in all 3 planters now, and in quite large numbers, maybe enough to start a shroom farm lol, all depends on what type they are, hopefully not the magical kind.
My non-professional opinion is that you could pull them out if they bother you, but otherwise they're just a bit more colour in the planters. Most likely they came in the compost.

Did you want critique of the photos (since they're in a photo-crit section of the forum) or as I think, were you just after advice?
My non-professional opinion is that you could pull them out if they bother you, but otherwise they're just a bit more colour in the planters. Most likely they came in the compost.

Did you want critique of the photos (since they're in a photo-crit section of the forum) or as I think, were you just after advice?
Photo's suck, so need to rag them anymore lol, just wanted advice about the shrooms, seems that so long as they dont get to wild and overcrowd the planters I will leave them alone.
After a quick glance at Roger Phillips' book, my guess is a Brownedge Bonnet (Mycena olivaceomarginata). Gills white with a brownish edge and the caps at 1-2.5cm in size. Smells a bit radishy. Not edible (too small). if it's not that, I reckon it's some sort of Bonnet.