Shutter count on a used Canon 1DX

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Mr QS has today asked an on-line retailer for a shutter count on a used 1DX. Their response was that providing a figure isn't possible and this is something that only Canon can now provide themselves. Thus, it is not possible to read the shutter count on this camera for this reason and they are not able to provide a figure. We have a software package which has accurately read the shutter counts on other cameras we own or have purchased in the past, so we were just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? Is it, or is it not, possible to read the shutter actuations on this camera? Any experiences please ....

Thanks ...
The 1DX is listed on the eoscount website as a supported camera so I suspect they would rather not say.
I have a program to read the shutter count on a 1DX so they're talking trollocks
The firmware on the camera will give you an approximation to the nearest 1000, it is in system status display, release cycles
An inexpensive app called Shutter Count will read the data from Canon cameras. It needs to be connected to the camera though. I think Canon stopped making the info available via the exif data round about the 20D.
Thanks all. As we suspected, it is perfectly possible to provide a shutter count for this camera and we're a bit mystified as to why they wouldn't want to, or claim to be unable to. The camera itself is used but seems to be in good nick, but it's still an expensive purchase so a fair question, I would have thought.
<speculative> Wonder if it's been used for time lapses therefore getting a high shutter load with minimal body wear, so they'd rather avoid broaching the subject of shutter counts.
i think the average shutter life on a 1dx is 400k so realistically it isnt likely that a pristine one will have a high enough count to be a problem - its more likely they just CBA to check (as others have said you can get it to the nearest thousand from the camera itself on the 1DX)
giving the shutter count thats built in should be good enough.. just get that..

PS when they replace the shutter the do NOT zero the count... My first 1dx bought when released now reads 549,000 and it had the shutter replaced after 400,000 not because it went.. just as a precaution
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I presume thats because other parts of the camera can go wrong after x actuations also (focussing motor, exposure metering, mirror box etc), so I guess its like a car - you don't zero the milometer if you put a new engine in because mileage also effects gearbox, wheel bearings and what have you