Shutter sync on 2 cameras

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I'm looking for some expert help. I'm going to be doing a timelapse of my talented girlfriend, doing a sketch and I want to do 2 angles. I have 1 intervalometer and 2 flash sync receivers/transceivers and 1 shutter sync cable. In my head there is an easy way to sync these cameras up but I just can't get it. Has anyone ever tried this that could help me? or someone with expert technical knowledge?

Intervalometer plugs into the remote release socket of camera-1. Transceiver-1 goes into the hot-shoe of camera-1, transceiver-2 plugs into the remote release socket of camera-2.
it wouldn't be too difficult to make up a Y lead so the intervalometer would trigger both cameras at the same time

if your using 2 550D's or similar it would be a simple case of purchasing a flying jack socket, a length of 3 core lead and 2 jack plugs
as long as your reasonably confident with a soldering iron or know somebody who is it's just a case of soldering the 3 core lead to the flying socket and to each jack

job done :)
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