Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO?????



Hi all,
About a month ago I splashed out on my first DSLR.
I got a few other bits at the time:
  • Canon EOS 350D
  • EF-S 18-55mm lens
  • GEC Laptop/Camera Bag
  • Battery Grip
  • Remote Shutter Release
  • Cheap Tripod (going to need a ball head I think)
  • circular polarizer & UV filters
  • 4gig CF card

For the most part I enjoy landscape photography but I want to give nature and portrait a go.

I have seen the Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO in Jessops for £159.99 and I am wondering if anyone can think of anything else rather than/as well as that, that I should get?

The list above is my entire kit bag (apart from PS CS2) at the moment and I have about £250 - £300 I could spend.

If your budget is not unlimited, then I woudl recommend a sigma 17-70mm. I own one of these and its very rarley off my body - I use mine for portraits/studio and landscape.

Sigma 70-300 go for about £100 or less on ebay, from UK sellers too...(if that helps)
I'd agree with that i just got a sigma 17-70mm for just over 100 quid on ebay and its a brill lens for the price.Its hardly ever off my camera and replaces the kit lens rather nicely
Given you limited budget I'd stick with your kit lens for now as a walkabout lens it's very capable and I've seen some very nice shots, particualrly landscapes with it. If it were my money I'd get yourself a nifty fifty it's cheap as chips excelent for portraits and also good for those low light situations. You'll then want a telephoto lens for nature as wildlife tends not to let you get up close and personal ands for me with your budget it's a toss up bettween the sigma 70-300 your already considering and the new(ish) canon 50-250 IS both get excellent reviews for the price.
Hi R8JimBob88,
Never seen that site before so thanks for that....
Do you know if they ship from the UK?

I was thinking about a Niffty Fifty, will look into the canon 50-250 IS now.

Cheers Slapo,
Fab review, think you have just made up my mind for me.....
Cheers Slapo,
Fab review, think you have just made up my mind for me.....

and that should leave you with more than enough money in the budget for a nifty fifty a certain Mr Kerso will supply one for less than £60 or would when I got mine. Most of my best people shots are with my nifty plus it's a tiny lens so can be nice and discreet.
ok, so I have been and spent a few quid. :|

Got me a Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO & A Sigma 500 DG flash gun.

Managed to get both for £190 from Jessops.
Think the flash was the last one they had and I was waving cash at them....

Going to take the lens out for a spin this weekend and a friend has asked me to do some portraits of his daughter on bank holiday monday, so that may be the test run of the new flash.

P.s Just ordered my Niffty Fifty (I'm sending the wife your way when she finds out how much I have spent a1ex2001)