Sign the copyright petition

London Headshots

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I know there's a couple of threads with this link in already, but I don't think we can risk people missing it. It's an important issue that affects us all.

Perhaps we could lock and stick this so people can see it?

You may think it's no big deal, but the copyright law as it stands is currently fine, so there's no reason to change it. Sign the petition even if you're on the fence. There's thousands of people on this forum, and we can't hope they click through one of the other threads to find the link.


Petition creator: Will Nicholls.
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So if I post a screenshot of the petition on Bookface, they'll own it, amiright?

I know we all bicker a lot on here, but this is a really serious issue. Perhaps the hoopla is completely unjustified, but the very fact that there's potential for abuse means we need to band together and get this knocked down.

Maybe our efforts will be worthless, but for the sake of two seconds, we've gotta try. I'm sharing this petition link to 8000 twitter followers, and I even reactivated my Facebook account to get the link on there as well.

If we put some effort into this, we can make the petition reach hundreds of thousands. Then the government have to listen.

Even though they still probably won't.
Good job on the petition, Will, I couldn't find your original post to credit you, sorry about that.
I know we all bicker a lot on here, but this is a really serious issue. Perhaps the hoopla is completely unjustified, but the very fact that there's potential for abuse means we need to band together and get this knocked down.

Maybe our efforts will be worthless, but for the sake of two seconds, we've gotta try. I'm sharing this petition link to 8000 twitter followers, and I even reactivated my Facebook account to get the link on there as well.

If we put some effort into this, we can make the petition reach hundreds of thousands. Then the government have to listen.

Even though they still probably won't.

In the other thread you were arguing that the new legislation was a good thing for pro's. :thinking:

This will work out great for professionals. It's been too easy to promote up until now.

It's going to go back to face-to-face portfolio viewings. Less website-orientated promotion.

I'm looking at this quite positively.

What changed your mind?
Possibly a headshot in the London area rendering the cognitive area of the brain inactive :shrug:

Well done to John for posting the link. Who gives a toss if he changed his mind? Don't we all? Find it hard to believe that people take the time to post links to old threads.
Come on, dude, let's not make this a nitpicking thread. I changed my mind. I do it all the time.

I am not - I am just curious as I do like to hear your opinion as it matters regarding the whole process.

For somebody with strong views and a fair bit of intelligence, I thought you would like to share your new insights.
Signed - I see its well over the 8,000 mark when I signed

Les (y)
I am not - I am just curious as I do like to hear your opinion as it matters regarding the whole process.

For somebody with strong views and a fair bit of intelligence, I thought you would like to share your new insights.

OK, no drama, man. I thought you were being a nitpicker, my bad - apologies. I had a night to think about it, and I realised that regardless of it being potentially harmless, I can't think of a single time a law was changed with the people in mind.

We live in a time where laws are changed to suit the people who run the companies.

Could be just hot air, but the potential for exploitation, and the current government means I don't want to be complacent.

Well done to John for posting the link. Who gives a toss if he changed his mind? Don't we all? Find it hard to believe that people take the time to post links to old threads.

Credit to Will for creating the petition. It always takes one guy to get off the bench, and Will's that man.

We need ten times as many signatures to be effective, but it's totally doable. If everyone who sees this thread tweets the petition link and puts it on their Facebook, we'll easily surpass 100,000

There are name-photographers tweeting this petition link out now, so it's going to gain even more steam.

Let's all be part of this.
Tweeted from the TP account. Will pop it on FB now too :)
If anyone here is feeling extra motivated, you can write to your local MP, and it's bloody easy. Just go here:

Drop your postcode in and you get all the information you need. You can contact them right from the website.

Honestly, democracy is child's play, all it requires is motivation and changes can be made however the masses see fit.
Cleared 10k now. This has appeared on my facebook wall from 3 different people who do not know each other.

This is good...