Silverstone Track day Photos

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My first post so be gental!

I was using my Nikon D80 with the 18-135 f3.5-5.6 lens. (handheld) Though i am looking to get a sigma 120-300 f2.8. though am undecided if i should get a lens with VR or not.

Anyway.. to the pics. (a very small selection of the 1000 odd i took on the day)









Lemmi know what you think :)

- Geoff
*note to self* read forum titles. D'oh! :D (thanks to whichever admin that moved it)
Shifted it for you :)

Two main comments: firstly your panning technique doesn't look too bad at all, most of them have good sharpness and wheel blur.

Second is you've done pretty well to get the shots you have with a max of 135mm, I'm not sure but I think most of the track togs on here are working at at least 200mm a lot of the time, depending on the track of course.

Welcome aboard :)
I love #6, from what I understand SS is not the best place for taking pictures !

Sorry for quoting myself but have been thinking why I like #6 so much and I think I have the answer............

I have bought every TD pic of me available, also all the racing pics and grabbed any pics people have offered of me from forums and I have almost always looked at body position at a given part of the circuit to help me improve - have never really looked at them from a photographic / artistic perspective, except those from Cope Images / Guy Cope his are just amazing !

Sooooo, I think I will take a different perspective at the tracks this year, not get hung up on having the big lens on and getting the action full frame but capture the mood as you have done in #6, nice composition, no clutter, nice colurs and good perspective.

Thank you for posting !

I do wish that guy would relax though, get his head out of the bubble, look where he wants to be going and stop fighting it :)

1)best of the bunch. I like the way you can see one bike is much faster.
2)nothing really of interest in the shot. too much tarmac. the biggest error is that you cut the 2nd guys head off.
3) nice. good choice of shutter speed
4) would have been better if it was the same as number 3. i.e. without the fence
5) out of focus. also chopped a few extremities off
6) good. again a good choice of shutter speed.
7, 8) I know you said be gentle, but i would suggest binning shots with fence poles in the way, especially when 1,3 and 6 are good, nice clean shots.

At the end of the day, they are much better than my first photos :)

btw, number 6 is wider than the forum rules allow (800 pixels wide max), but I'll let it slide this time ;)
when did you take these Maveric?

I was doing a trackday there on the 16th of February

Nice photos btw, especially the first one
OK, dont take this the wrong way, but I dont think its helpful to say things like 'brilliant' if someone is posting their photos to try and learn how to improve.
No offence to Maveric (so please dont take it that way), but photo number 8 is clearly far from brilliant. It has a fence and half a head in it.

Some of the photos show potential and with constructive criticism and advice, all Maverics photos could be that good.
No.5 is my favorite. it needs to be sharper brighter and mabe boost the colors a little?
not sure i'm new to all this :)
Thanks all for the comments i will try and improve next time i am out. (2nd of march)

unfortunately wookey i wasn't there that day i will be there on the 2nd of march though - snapping away - hopefully with abit of a longer and faster lens. These photos were taken almost a Year ago (26th of March 07) One of my first outtings with my D80.

Ye No.6 is a nice photo. it was taken just they pass through bridge corner, not the easist of places to take photos as they certainly do fly through that one pritty quick + you cant see them coming!

The reason i post No.8 is as its my brother (on the Zx6r) whom i go up to soley photograph but get bored and photo other people aswell :)

My personal favourites are 2,3 and 6 (and no.8 of course! ;) )

- Geoff
Silverstone I always find very poor for photography because of the high fences but there's a few goodies in there. Going myself in June so will be my first trip to a m sport event with a proper camera for some time.
Silverstone - I normally hang out in the bridge / luffield complex as you can normally bypass fences, either by sneaking close to the catch fence and shooting through it or over it, or at the back of the terraces and shoot over the fence.