Since finding film is digital dead?

How long has that word been in the dictionary...I had to google it! :D:D

A lot has changed over here since you skipped the country :LOL:
I understand your point and I know many would agree but I think there's a bit of a tendency for film shooters to assume all digital guys do is machine gun stacks of images and hope one of them kinda turns out alright, as someone with one foot very firmly in digital and the other well and truly planted in analogue I know that's really not the case. I'm still thinking the same way when shooting digital and I'll try shoot what I want by nailing the image I want in 1 or 2 frames rather than firing off 30 and hoping one is somewhere near, and I know there are plenty of others who have a similarly considered approach on digital.

I dont mean machine gunning, I mean the tenancy to take more pictures with digital (of different things), as theres negliable cost to taking a pic in terms of money and time.

with film Im more selective on what i shoot and take more time. i shoot plenty of digital too
I think wotsis name....Winnograd may have had something when he said (when asked why he shot so many frames), "I photograph to find out what something looks like photographed".
Course, he was a film shooter so he'd no idea at the time what it looked like, but if he'd had a digital camera he'da burnt the thing out in a week.

Maybe there's a bit of that in everybody, curtailed for peeps shooting film in the 21st century, but not a problem for digi shooters.
This thread appears to be heading toward adoxography......
It depends just how Sesquipedalian we want this thread to remain, if it gets much more Gallimaufricioius then it will need Despumating...
You see, you've let yourself down with the capital letters. How to go from literary genius to grammatical idiot in one short sentence...


You can have the literary crown if you can define the words :p
film is cool and artistically satisfying, makes you feel in touch with the legacy of photography, makes you think before taking the photo - but it's just bloody inconvenient

Many of the downsides of digital stem from it's ease - you end up taking too many photo's with too little thought, leaving you overwhelmed with what to do with the output. But this is not the fault of the format, just the lack of discipline of the user.

of course digital isn't dead, especially for the masses, but as a passion film gives so many more aspects to enjoy other than just capturing the image
Sesquipedalian - given to loquaciousness. (See what I did there?)
Gallimaufricioius - a hodgepodge, from the old French galimafree, a kind of sauce or stew.
Despumating -to throw up a froth or scum.

Now, enough of your logorrhea and autohagiography or I shall throw more charientisms in your direction.
You see, you've let yourself down with the capital letters. How to go from literary genius to grammatical idiot in one short sentence...


What a perfectly wonderful quote. :D:D