Sinus Problems

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Does anyone have regular sinus problems - I get them 3 or 4 times a year and have done for the last 35 years - they started when we moved to live in Grindleton in the Ribble valley

They are bad at the moment - in fact they have been bad since January with just a break of a few weeks

Anyway I am give the usual stuff - noise sprays, pills and the noise wash out stuff - fed up of going to the Docs

Has anyone had the operation which I believe is called FESS or ESS - (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)?

I've also got the usual "old age" problems with my bloody left knee - which needs an op
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What causes the sinus problems, have you had a CT scan of them?

Causes are numerous including allergies, digestion and nasal structure issues.

Need to know the cause before you treat it, mine is mainly allergies to what seems like everything
Quite often goes hand in hand with asthma and hay fever, its plagued me for years and not sure there is any real cure
I too suffer with them, tends to be when the air pressure changes, I also know of someone who's had the op and it's not a permanent fix and it's also a hell of a lot of discomfort for something that's not guaranteed to work permanently.
I get very bad headaches all across the front of my head and the only thing that touches it is Solpadol.
I had an op (caldwell luc) and it was pretty crappy but its made the condition manageable, only medication now is flixonase spray and antibiotics when it gets an infection. Have you checked to see if it just sinuses or more probably nasal polyps.
Beautiful area, Bill. :cool: We used to have a `static` up at 3 rivers, a few years ago.

Possible the bracken spores triggered your sinusitis?

Long time ago Carl - I was working in Preston - only lasted for a year and then we moved - all I remember really was the rain
Rain!? o_O It's nearly always sunny up here. :cool:

You know what they say

"When you can't see Pendle Hill it's raining and when you can see Pendle Hill it is going to rain"

I moved to work in Lancashire, but we chose Grindleton because it was always in Yorkshire, (WRCC), before they changed the boundaries - first weekend there went into the local pub down the road in the village and asked "is this Lancashire" - answer, "it's bloody not lad this'll always be Yorkshire"

Where we live now is `bandit country`, :cautious: a smallish rural town near Skipton that was historically yaaawkshur, the older local hate the Lanky red rose. :D
I literally lived with a blocked nose as long as I could remember, not being able to breath through your nose gets pretty annoying after a while, to the point I'd hardly breathe and take shallow breaths till I eventually remembered to open my mouth and breathe deeply.

It was caused by cows milk intolerance. Not lactose, but the protein in cow's milk, I still have bad times if I accidentally eat something with it in (whey powder - crisps etc) and I think I have hay fever too anyway but loads better since I cut milk out. Worth a try or consider a diagnostic.
Beetroot Juice is good for sinus problems,

Especially when used as a Netti pot filler... ( Only kidding - but I want to see a photo if anyone actually tries it!)
Welcome to my world. I was diagnosed with Chronic Sinusitus in 2015. I'd lived with it for years but not understanding really what was going on. I went to my doc feeling rubbish one day, explained to him how I felt and he said I had a sinus infection.

After repeated visits to my doc over a 6 month period, I eventually saw a consultant, had scans and x-rays which came up with the diagnosis. All my sinusues on my right side are chronically affected with mild irritation on the left side. I had blood tests too as I'd lost a whole load of weight and from those tests, I was diagnosed with a house dust allergy. I also had the camera up my nose a few times and they found some small polyps and the right side cavities were too narrow to allow the sinuses to drain properly, which lead to the infections.

I also get migraines as a result and general aches and pains, especially at the back of my neck/head.

I've been offered the proceedure but I turned it down as it can be quite risky as the base of the eye socket can collapse or worse, leakage of infection to the spine, or so I was told. I'd maybe have risked it if it had been a permanent fix but I was also told the "repair" might only last for 3 months.

So for now at least, I manage it as best I can, I'm prescribed a spray called Dymista and 10mg of Montelukast tablets everyday. They do help but they are certainly not a fix. I also use a salt water nasal spray.

This regime helps but it's not a fix and I have considered natural remedies recently.
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I gave up consuming anything with cows' milk in it several years ago. After that, I could breathe through my nose for the first time ever and no longer had sinus problems.

EDIT: I just saw Craig's post on the same subject. The protein in cows' milk is the most indigestible thing humans consume. Some people's bodies cope with it, others turn it into mucous which clogs everything up!

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I gave up consuming anything with cows' milk in it several years ago. After that, I could breathe through my nose for the first time ever and no longer had sinus problems.

I've heard this and considered trying it myself. I broke my nose as a teenager and have struggled to breathe freely through it as a result ever since.

It hadn't bothered me until around three years ago when I started getting sinus infections, headaches and extreme hayfever (or so I think) on occasion. I also have a putrid smell which is noticeable sometimes for under an hour, sometimes a full day or more.

Visited ENT at my local hospital around 4 weeks ago and have been taking an antihistamine daily and using nose drops twice daily since which seems to have helped. Bloods were also taken to check for allergies so will get those results when I go back.

At some point I may look to get my nose reset, but I'm still apprehensive about whether that will make things better or potentially worse tbh.

Time will tell.
I've heard this and considered trying it myself. I broke my nose as a teenager and have struggled to breathe freely through it as a result ever since.

My nose is at a slight angle too. I only realised this a few years ago. I thought it was my glasses which were crooked!
