Sirch's Contact Sheets for 2020


The other Chris
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I saw this on Flickr and thought it was a really good set. Esp #5 - great contrast in it.
Thanks all

What happened to the other three?

It was the first three off the roll and I didn't bother scanning them becuase they were a bit "meh" and at the time I was scanning I hadn't thought about doing a contact sheet. You haven't missed anything :)
So here's a full contact sheet of 35mm shots from today. These are fairly low res and I haven't done much processing on them yet, Pentax ME super, Fuji Superia 400

ContactSheet - Birmingham by Chris H, on Flickr
Some serious dynamic range going on in some of those shots Chris. Liking the look of #17, #12 and #30. Also #21 has potential too from the view we get. Hard to tell at that size though.

Not sure who it was but a famous landscape photographer, when asked to crit some images, turned them all upside down which can help to stop the eye looking at 'things'. Squinting achieves a similar effect. Anyway, it sort of works when they're at 90 degrees - especially images with strong composition/tones (e.g. 18 & 35).

Not sure who it was but a famous landscape photographer, when asked to crit some images, turned them all upside down which can help to stop the eye looking at 'things'. Squinting achieves a similar effect.

Whoever it was nicked the idea from painters who were doing it before photography was invented. ;) Another alternative is to look at a picture in a mirror.
Thanks all, I'll do some better scans of some of them tomorrow

Unless the camera obscura counts as photography ;)
Didn't someone have to draw the image with a pencil or something? :)
So here's another, mainly shots taken for FPOTY Wild theme. I managed to drop this neg TWICE whilst it was wet so there are quite a few strange artefacts, not so visible at this scale but all too obvious at larger size. Also

Some nice looking woodland shots there Chris. I'm guessing the last couple of squirrel shots are the one's you would rather have entered for FPOTY this month?

The roll looks to have a purple-tint in a lot of the shots - I often find my own woodland shots thed to veer into purple territory too, especially dry leaves and tree bark, which looks brown to my eyes in person. What film was it?
I managed to drop this neg TWICE whilst it was wet
I do this loads too. It's that old "don't drop it, don't drop it, doh!" mentality.

Those last two frames look realy nice. And purple. :)
Some nice looking woodland shots there Chris. I'm guessing the last couple of squirrel shots are the one's you would rather have entered for FPOTY this month?

The roll looks to have a purple-tint in a lot of the shots - I often find my own woodland shots thed to veer into purple territory too, especially dry leaves and tree bark, which looks brown to my eyes in person. What film was it?

It's Fuji Superia. TBH I only did auto colour correct for the contact sheet and they often come out a bit purple. I'd do a bit more work on any that I wanted to scan at a higher resolution. My C41 chems are probably getting a bit old now as well so I'm pushing my luck on colours anyway :)
I bought some polypanF (it's all Ian's fault) and this is the first roll, mainly shot for FPOTY Ruin and Patterns themes. I'm a bit disappointed because the Polypan has a lot of small scratches and my guess it they came from the loading process or the reused cans, it was bought ready rolled because I don't have a bulk loader.

Polypan contact sheet by Chris H, on Flickr
Those patterns look strong and contrasty. Also like 27 - I have an affinity for leaf shadows on a sunny day. I wonder if talking about porospective entries is even legal? But I suppose no-one ventures in here anyways...

Is that ruin in frames 34-35-26? I had that idea considering I only have 1 pre-lockdown alternative. But only *after* I ruined that roll of Washi F.
Those patterns look strong and contrasty. Also like 27 - I have an affinity for leaf shadows on a sunny day. I wonder if talking about porospective entries is even legal? But I suppose no-one ventures in here anyways...

Is that ruin in frames 34-35-26? I had that idea considering I only have 1 pre-lockdown alternative. But only *after* I ruined that roll of Washi F.
I did wonder if I should show these given the FPOTY but it's all I'm shooting at the moment, yes, creased neg in the last three, it was more to use up the roll than anything else, I'm not sure I'll use those. I've got a roll of colour that is half way through and has some of the same sort of shots on it, I am debating whether to cut it off in the dark bag and process half the roll or shoot it off on random stuff and process the whole thing. Still a day or two to decide on that...
I shouldn't think there's an issue with talking about potential entries for FPOTY. It's not like there's any big voting conspiracy going on or anything. :)

Next month's is something I'm not sure I have anyting for as yet. I did take a few photos today that might fit the bill, and I've a couple of rolls out at Filmdev that might have something I can use, but I'll have to wait and see.

I like the look of the scalloped sand in frame #20. #22 looks interesting too.
More photo for FPOTY ruin and daily walk/cycle shots. TBH many of these were just using up the roll to get it processed (the scanning order here is terrible, more or less backwards but I was rushing yesterday to get this processed and scanned - one advantage of working from home, I processed this at lunch time and left to dry for the afternoon and scanned yesterday evening. Some have had a bit more work than others.

Frame 32 looks very nice and dramatic although the foreground is hard to make out. Was not expecting the entry you... entered this month...

Is it me or is the colour all over the place? Or is it just lots of changing lighting conditions (time of day etc)
it's not you, the colour is all over the place, largely because I let Lightroom auto correct them and then on some of the more interesting shots I have had a play. I'm never sure with these contact sheets whether to do a a straight sheet of the the as scanned images or do some processing on them. I never process all the shots on a roll becuase I often do several shots of the same subject and pick the best to tidy up.

The sky is good on frame 32, the foreground is just a green field. I had a big debate with my self about what to post this month, I'm still not sure but it's in now...
Getting wonky colours is the main reason I started sending my C41 stuff to Filmdev instead of scanning them myself.. I've found that I can get decent colours with effort, but it takes a lot of faffing about, and never seems to work properly when applied across a whole roll at once either, so I need to do it on a frame-by-frame basis. And even then, I start to second guess myself with "Is that really what Portra 400 should look like?" type questions.

Is there a particular reason you photograph damaged negs?
Yes, for the ruin theme but went with something else in the end. I enjoy processing films and TBH I do very little with the resulting photos so whilst it would be nice to get them processed perfectly I'm as interested in the process as the results.
Having a bit of time on my hands I decided to see what I could get out of the scanner and Silverfast. Having a play around in Sliverfast the most striking thing was changing the Film Vendor and Type. I have also just assumed that a good place to start would be to set the film type, however it turns out that the it is far better to leave these set to "Other". other than that, in the end I ahve done very little to these except for setting the neutral on some of them and a bit more colour correction on frame 6 which was shot at golden hour and the sky was coming strange shades of blue. I think in those circumstances a grey card might be helpful in future.

however it turns out that the it is far better to leave these set to "Other"

Yep. My version of SIlverfast hardly has any modern films and it just seems to wreck them - colour or B&W.
This was Fuji Superia 400, shot at 400 and Silverfast has exactly that profile but the colours are much better without, you live and learn
First time in a long time that I've looked at the negs and thought they might be reasonable so I took a bit more time over scanning these. Also first time with Ektar 120, I've used Ektar on 35mm a good while ago and kind of forgot about it but then it popped up at a reasonable price on fleabay when I was looking for 120 film so here it is. Some of the skies are blown, should have stopped down and a couple are a bit soft because I was loosing the light, hey-ho
I really like Ektar's big primary colours and funnily enough those are the images that jump right out at me.

Really like frame #2.
Another roll of Polypan F 50ISO in Xtol. No prizes for guessing what these were shot for

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OK, tried uploading the above 3 times now at different jpeg quality and they all look out of focus :thinking:
Really liking frames 10 & 11. Also like 19 although I'd be tempted with a 16:9 crop that removed the non-horizontal foreground. 24 looks really interesting too. Quite Bill Brandt-esque.

they all look out of focus

This happens to me a *lot* on here. Only Nige has the secret to sharp jpegs on this site.
Thanks Ian, I hadn't thought of them in as reminiscent of Bill Brandt and I can see what you mean although I can assure you that I've got a long way to go on that score ;)