Bug Site slowing and photos taking time in rendering.

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For a couple of days, (since Friday morning's downtime?) the site has frequently been slow to load for me, posting replies takes excess time and images take a while to render.
Anyone else been noticing these problems?
Sometimes it takes ages for a post to open, I was thinking it may be phone hence not reporting it.
I've noticed the speed drops and freezing, my phone seems better after clearing the history, cookies etc.. I just assumed the servers are still trying to catch up from the updates.
I've noticed the speed drops and freezing, my phone seems better after clearing the history, cookies etc.. I just assumed the servers are still trying to catch up from the updates.

That was my guess too. The site seemed a bit slow over the weekend but was faster yesterday so, here's hoping it's catching up with itself.

Hope the hamster's enjoying the fresh sawdust!
I haven't experienced that myself. Clearing cookies can help and oiling the hamster wheel last Friday was supposed to make things faster.

Keep the reports coming and I'll keep an eye on it
No issues here at all, but I'm on an 800Mbit fibre connection!
No issues here at all, but I'm on an 800Mbit fibre connection!
Mine's 200Mbit fibre so I don't think it's a 'speed' problem in my case. :)
Still having issues here, nowhere else., (well apart from Flickr giving 504) :)
Just logged in and it is slow now, was fine earlier. Thank you
It's slow for me but some other sites are too. I had assumed it was something to do with the very heavy rain in some places and that maybe something internet related has been flooded.
Deliberately sought out a couple of picture heavy threads and all seemed swift enough for me.
I've seen this problem a few times.
  • The slow down lasts for anything from 1 to 10 minutes, then response times return to normal.
  • Checking other targets, such as Google or the BBC, shows that they are responding at normal speed, simultaneously with TP being slow or frozen.
  • During the slowdown, Ping reports 10ms for the other sites while TP reports 1250Ms or more.
  • I cleared all the TP cookies I could identify but that had no obvious effect.
Hope this helps.
I've seen this problem a few times.
  • The slow down lasts for anything from 1 to 10 minutes, then response times return to normal.
  • Checking other targets, such as Google or the BBC, shows that they are responding at normal speed, simultaneously with TP being slow or frozen.
  • During the slowdown, Ping reports 10ms for the other sites while TP reports 1250Ms or more.
  • I cleared all the TP cookies I could identify but that had no obvious effect.
Hope this helps.

I had the same issues in Oxford today using my mobile phone, so it's not specific to my home iMac.
Virtually unusable now, iMac and mobile! :(
Here (again) too.

Even a plain text post took close to 15 seconds to post yesterday evening.
I used the site from my Android phone, laptop and desktop yesterday and haven't experienced any problems at all. I'll continue to investigate.
During the slowdown, Ping reports 10ms for the other sites while TP reports 1250Ms or more.
That's very interesting, thanks. Out of interest what were you pinging, I believe ICMP echo is disabled for the site so you won't get responses to ping.

There is nothing we can do about ping times, that is a measure of network latency between your PC and our server.

I'm not going to be online much today but it would be good for me to have a look at this when it is actually affecting someone, so please could you use the Report option on this post if/when it happens again, if I am online at that time I'll do some investigating.
To help us to help you would people seeing the problem mind telling us:
  • Time of day the slow down happened
  • OS version
  • Browser version
  • Anti-virus software, if any
  • Any other "security" software, VPN etc.
  • Any Browser plugins, add blockers, privacy/security pluins, etc.
  • Your ISP/ Broadband provider
Also, and this is a bit browser specific so hard to give detailed instructions, could someone experiencing the problem check the JavaScript "console" in their browser. To do this (on Windows Chrome, Edge, etc.) it s usually right-click on the page, choose "Inspect" and then "Console" and you may see some errors listed, please screen shot those and post here
To help us to help you would people seeing the problem mind telling us:
  • Time of day the slow down happened - 16:30
  • OS version - WIN 10 (Android phone too)
  • Browser version - Chrome
  • Anti-virus software, if any - McAfee
  • Any other "security" software, VPN etc. - N/A
  • Any Browser plugins, add blockers, privacy/security pluins, etc. - N/A
  • Your ISP/ Broadband provider - BT
Hi Chris, please see my Bold above plus screenshot below, I'll hold up my hands, this means nothing to me.. Thank you for looking into this :)

Untitled 1.jpg
Couldn't get a screen shot as it cleared whilst I was doing it, but I just got the exclamation mark in the top address bar telling me the site was insecure and wouldn't access the site. Has happened before but does normally clear itself
Google chrome on Windows 11, Windows defender
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Couldn't get a screen shot as it cleared whilst I was doing it, but I just got the exclamation mark in the top address bar telling me the site was insecure and wouldn't access the site. Has happened before but does normally clear itself
Google chrome on Windows 11, Windows defender
That could be related if it is slow to download the certificate.
I had some issues today but maybe not after Ingrid's post ... it's ok at the moment.
The site has been very slow to load at times for me today but at others including right this second... It seems to be lightening fast. It's all very strange. Hope it's sorted now :D
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I've not had any issues with TP but I am from time to time getting very slow response times on a variety of websites, and that's with a wired connection to my router and an 800Mbit service. I really think there's some issues deeper in the net, we know China and Russia are running various forms of attack on UK e-infrastructure and sites, so my tin-hat is on right now, especially with an election campaign running that we know was interfered with last time.