Skin Tone help.

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This is part of a picture i took, i didnt see the problem with the sun on the arms of the young lady until it was too late :bang: i use only elements 6, i am finding it difficult to repair, any help please

Normally skin tone problems are fixed by White Balance, shooting with a correct exposure, ensuring your workflow colour is accurate.

To me the skin tone in your picture looks fine, ie the neck (correctly exposed) area is fine and natural, her left arm isn't a skin tone problem, it is a burn out problem. The only thing I can think of suggesting is shadow/highlight tool but don't know if this is available in Elements. Using a fill flash (if you didn't already) would have balanced the exposure much more.
Thanks for replying.

Yeah sorry i didnt use the correct wording, i just couldnt think of what it was called on the arms when i was posting. i did use fill in flash perhaps not so good as i should perhaps, i have tried the shadow highlight but i couldnt get it right with that either.

OK I don't know if you can do this in Elements 6 but here is a technique that works in Photoshop.

Make a new layer, and select "Soft Light" as layer mode

Now select the brush, and set the opacity yo about 15% and the flow to a bout 25%.

Select a brusg size that's about right for want you are about to do.

Make sure your foreground colour is set to black, and start painting over the lighter areas. All you need worry about is not going over the different parts of the picture. By setting the opacity to 15% the maximum density you can lay down is 15% no mater how often you go over the image, provided you hold the mouse button down. OK 15% isn't a lot but release the mouse button, click and paint again, another 15%. You can choose less if you want. The Flow rate also helps when it comes to those areas that are dark enough all ready

Many thanks, nice tip, really works well on the skin tones, shall remember that one. couldnt quite get rid of the burn with elements though,:bang: but i certainly learnt some thing. Thank you.